

We have some fantastic news for all you globetrotters out there! After beginning four regular direct international flights in 2018, namely to Saint Petersburg, Zurich, Vientiane and London, Chengdu will also commence non-stop services to Tel Aviv, Cairo and Copenhagen within the year! Therefore, by the end of the year, Chengdu will have more than 110 international (regional) flight routes, including 57 regular non-stop flights! To establish a globalized network of international flight routes, and in the future, Chengdu will have "daily flights" to gateway and hub airports around the world.


On the many international flights coming and going to and from Chengdu, there is a foreign pilot that hails from faraway South America, but somehow his destiny has become intertwined with the Hibiscus City. Who is he? What is his story? Today, follow us and get first look at his story!



Mauricio Dapueto,来自智利的飞机师,妻子Veronica Quijanes曾为智利航空领域的一名项目经理。两人在事业上升期重新思考人生的意义,于2015年年末移居成都。目前,Mauricio在四川航空担任机长,妻子在四川大学学中文,这对优雅的夫妇用不同的方式延续着共同的飞机情缘。

Mauricio Dapueto is a pilot from Chile and his wife Veronica Quijanes used to be a project manager in the Chilean aviation sector. Having made a reflection on their life when their careers were right on track, the couple moved to China and settled down in Chengdu at the end of 2015. Now, Mauricio works at Sichuan Airlines as a captain, while his wife studies Chinese at Sichuan University. In their own ways, this posh couple continues to pursue their flying dream here in Chengdu.


Dreaming high and flying in the sky


For Mauricio, desire to fly in the sky has been simply an instinct. When he was little, he always begged his mother to take him to the airport, where he could see airplanes taking off and landing. Whenever he saw them, he felt very excited and happy. At the age of 7, he got his first remote-control toy plane. When he was 15, he was introduced for his first flight on a 4-seat private plane belonging to his uncle. Later, he officially stepped into the aviation sector. Turning 45, Mauricio has already accumulated a professional record of over 12,000 flight hours (excluding simulator training hours).



"Originally, I dreamt of becoming an astronaut. However, back then, the aviation sector in Chile wasn’t that well developed. So, I changed my dream from becoming an astronaut to a pilot, for the latter could provide me with the same opportunity to go into the sky." Before coming to China, Mauricio had successively worked as the captain of Boeing 737 and 767 and first officer of the Airbus 320. His experience has been in flights on Chile, Europe and the USA. During that period, while flying planes, Mauricio also worked as an instructor and examiner, teaching and testing students, meeting Chilean government safety standards.


One has to know, flying a plane is nothing like driving a car. Speaking of driving, with a license in hand, a new driver can always improve driving skill through practice. Unfortunately, a new pilot cannot expect to have so many opportunities to practice, for every flight concerning safety of all the passengers. More importantly, for pilots, there are standard procedures and guidelines to follow. Through trainings inside the cockpit simulator, trainee pilot learns the basic skills of takeoff and landing, as well as how to deal with more complex situations such as engine fire and other types of malfunctions.



From Mauricio’s perspective, aviation sector concerns a range of disciplines, including physics, meteorology and engineering, and aircraft flying has a lot to do with the weather, flight route, aircraft model, engineering system, to name just a few. Regarding the occupation of pilot, he added, "Flying requires a perfect combination of skills, discipline and experience. A pilot has to know every tiny aspect of the plane and keep learning to ensure his or her professional performance." To this end, Mauricio has led a very disciplined life: jogging and going to the gym on a regular basis, keeping a balance diet, drinking in moderation... This sounds very much like a kind of boring self - cultivation, which Mauricio explained with a smile, "I find the greatest fun in flying. It may look as if I have sacrificed a lot for my job. But actually, I think my effort demonstrates my passion for life."


Flying more than 19,000 km across the ocean and settling down in Chengdu

Mauricio事业稳定发展,渐渐升入管理层,公司介绍他认识了擅长管理的项目经理Veronica Quijanes。于是,在飞行了上万个小时后,Mauricio遇见了现在的太太。说起两人的相遇相恋,Mauricio眼中闪着光,Veronica激动得说起了西班牙语。两人并非一见钟情,而是被对方独立、干练、有趣的性格所吸引。这样的吸引从工作延续到生活,两人同为航空从业者,自然也对彼此的生活有更深刻的理解和信任。

It didn’t take long for Mauricio to get promoted into the management. Later, his then employer introduced Veronica Quijanes, a very capable project manager to him. That’s how Mauricio met his wife. When talking about their love story, Mauricio turned on a happy look, with sparkles in his eyes; while Veronica got so excited that she could only express herself in Spanish. It wasn’t a love-at-first-sight story, though. Instead, they gradually grew attracted by each other's independence, capability and sense of humor. Such a mutual attraction naturally extended from work to life. As aviation professionals, the couple thus developed a deeper understanding of each other.


管理的职务使Mauricio热爱的飞行被缩减到每年40个小时,爱情使他的飞行有了“家庭”的天平。他说:“以前我只是热爱飞行,遇见Veronica我才发现我以前只是在VIvir Dia a Dia(西班牙语,英文对应Day by Day ,中文指“一天一天”)地机械生活,现在我找到了飞行的意义。”他含情脉脉地望着Veronica,仍是热恋那般的爱慕。

Mauricio’s promotion to the management significantly lightened his flying workload to 40 flight hours per year. On the other hand, falling in love and starting his own family brought him a more balanced life. He said, "Before I met Veronica, flying had been my only love. When I fell in love with her, however, I suddenly realized I had just ‘vivir día tras día’ (lived my life day by day) in the past. Thanks to her, I have found the real meaning of flying." When he made such a remark, he looked at Veronica in a very affectionate way. Even now, they are still like a new couple deeply in love with each other.



Veronica explained in a cheerful tone, "Of course there are other opportunities which promise us better income and living conditions. However, at the same time, those jobs will make us too busy to have a real life. That’s why we quit our previous jobs and began to consider a brand-new lifestyle." With their career about to thrive, this couple gave up their stable jobs and life in Chile and moved to Chengdu at the end of 2015. Here, Mauricio soon got a new job and Veronica visited her favorite animal - panda, finally.


At work, he flies in the sky; at home, he enjoys family warmth. This means a lot to Mauricio as a pilot.


Now, Mauricio maintains very busy flying, while Veronica studies Chinese at Sichuan University every morning from Monday to Friday. The couple support each other to pursue individual hobbies while managing to spend more quality time with each other, exploring the profound culture, enchanting sceneries, fresh stories and new ideas in Chengdu.



In fact, Mauricio grew up in a multi-cultural family. His maternal grandparents are Chinese and German, and paternal grandparents are Chilean and Italian. Because of that, he finds it easy to adapt to different cultures and describes such a resettling process as a shift of "thinking" and "mentality". He said, "The process of getting to know a new place is very much like peeling an onion. During this process, you encounter things that excite or irritate you everyday."


"There are some foreigners here obsessively pursuing things not belonging to China, which makes them unable to enjoy an easy life. For example, some of them complain there’s no authentic food of their hometown in China. I personally really doubt it, for I have discovered striking similarities between sesame pancake (Shaobing) and pizza. Why not give full play to the common features of delicacies from around the world and try fusion cooking? A shift in thinking actually reflects your respect for the local culture and customs."


When Mauricio is on flight duty, Veronica has her own way to kill time. "I trust Mauricio and I know that he works in a very professional environment. I study Chinese in order to better understand Chengdu and China. I believe language is an effective tool to help us see the real meaning of local social custom. Frankly, we have no idea how long we will stay in Chengdu. But what we do feel sure about is the fact that we have fallen in love with the friendly locals, tasty food, as well as the harmonious multicultural atmosphere here. When we have our own children one day, we may still live in Chengdu. Why not?" While passionately pursuing their flying dream, this beautiful couple also enjoys their every single day in Chengdu from an "overseas perspective".


Editor's Pick

摘自《HELLO Chengdu》杂志

Excerpted from HELLO Chengdumagazine


By Lenore Liu


Photos by Lenore Liu


Edited by Bei Xiaohua

