



1 CV

abbr. 简历(Curriculum Vitae)

I'm gonna put you in IT. Because you said on your CV you had a lot of experience with computers.我决定把你安排在信息技术部门。因为你在简历里说你在电脑方面很有经验。——《IT狂人》

2. application

n. 申请,申请书,申请表

Do you want me to withdraw my application?你是想让我撤销我的申请吗?——《生活大爆炸》

3. achievement

n. 成就,成绩

The greatest scientific achievement of my life is based on a blunder.我这辈子最伟大的科学成就建立在一个愚蠢的错误之上。——《生活大爆炸》

4. certificate

n. 证书,文凭,合格证书

Yeah, but you don't actually have a masters degree in computer science, do you? You have a fake certificate that you printed off the internet.对 但你又不是真的计算机硕士对吗?你那文凭是从网上下载打印的。——《超能少年》

5. qualification

n. 资格,学历,资历

My father was most anxious I should have some academic qualifications.我父亲非常希望我能得到学术方面的资格证。——《福尔摩斯探案集》

6. reference

n. 推荐信,介绍信

I'm to leave with no reference, after working here for ten years?我在这儿工作了十年,离开的时候你们连推荐信都不给写吗?——《唐顿庄园》

7. referee

n. 介绍人,推荐人

Nyman's senior registrar. And when he applied to go on the Home Office list last year, guess who he gave as referee?奈曼的高级秘书 当他去年申请去内政部的时候 猜猜谁是他的推荐人——《皇家律师》

8. requirement

n. 要求,必要条件

Thought I'd apply, but apparently I 'don't fulfill requirements' ."我以为可以申请,可是看样子我‘不符合条件’。”——《哈利·波特与密室》

9. package

n. 薪资待遇

Apparently he got a nice salary package for taking the job.显然,他得到了一份待遇不错的工作。——《犯罪心理》

10. skill

n. 技能,技巧,本领,技术

But even in other types of firm, male colleagues agree that woman tend to trump them in management skills.但即便是在其他类型的公司中,男性员工也认为,在管理技能这方面,女性逐渐占了上风。——《经济学人·商业财经》

11. strength

n. 长处

A good coach recognizes the strength of her players.一个优秀教练能看到队员的强项。——《识骨寻踪》

12. weakness

n. 弱点

He could look at a man...and see his weakness.他只需看一眼,就能知道一个人的弱点。——《汉尼拔》

13. punctual

adj. 准时的,守时的

And you're gonna need one to be punctual for all the meetings with editors and publishers now that you're a fancy and apparently, self-important writer.为了准时参加所有与编辑和出版商的会议,你需要一个(一块手表)——既然你是一个时髦,而且显然,傲娇的作家。——《绯闻女孩》

14. honest

adj. 诚实的,实在的,可靠的,坦率的

Oh, without a doubt, he had an honest face.哦,毫无疑问,他看起来很诚实。——《福尔摩斯探案集》

15. reliable

adj. 可靠的,可信赖的

Landon Walker is the responsible, reliable choice for mayor.兰登·沃克才是负责任的、可靠的市长人选。——《疑犯追踪》

16. hard-working

adj. 勤勉的,勤奋的,勤劳的

I tried to follow his example and become an honest, happy, hard-working man.我尽可能地以他为榜样,成为一个诚实的、幸福的实干家。——《远大前程》


