


I‘ll be your server tonight. 今晚由我来为你们服务。

May I have the menu? 能把菜单给我看看吗?

Could I have your menu, please? 我能看看菜单吗?

Good evening, sir. Here is the menu. 晚上好,先生。给您菜单。

What can I get you girls? 姑娘们要点些什么?

Are you ready to order now? 您现在准备点菜吗?

Would you like to order now? 您现在想要点菜吗?

May I take your order? 现在点餐吗?

What would you like to have? 你喜欢点什么呢?

Are you ready to order your entree? 你可以点主菜了吗?

No, I’m still going through the menu. 先不点,我还在看菜单呢。

I need a few more minutes to decide. 我需要考虑几分钟。

I‘m not ready to order yet. 我还没准备好点菜呢。

What will we have? 我们吃什么呢?

We’re ready. 我们已经准备好(点菜)了。

May I take your order now? 我现在可以点菜了吗?

Can we order now? 我们现在可以点菜吗?

Can we order fast? 我们能尽快点菜吗?

How about the dishes? 要点什么菜呢?

Have you made up your mind? 你决定点什么菜了吗?

Have you decided on something? 你决定了吃什么吗?

Have you decided what you‘d like? 你决定点什么菜了吗?

Well, I just want to have a light meal here. 嗯,我只想吃简单一点的。



What’s good here? 这里有什么好吃的吗?

May I tell you our specials? 我可以向您介绍我们的特餐吗?

What are your chef‘s specialties? 今天的厨师推荐菜是什么?

Maybe you could recommend somthing for me? 也许你可以推荐几道菜?

Why don’t you tell us something goods on the menu? 为什么不推荐给我们菜单上的一些好菜?

Certainly. The roast Beijing duck is delicious. Its skin is really crispy. 当然可以,北京烤鸭味道好极了,烤鸭皮是又脆又香。

It sounds a good idea. I‘ll order one, then. 听起来真不错,那我就点一份吧。


What kind of seafood could you recommend? 能给我推荐什么海鲜吗?

How about fried crabs? 炒螃蟹如何?

I don’t like crabs because they have hard shells. 我不喜欢吃螃蟹,因为它的壳硬。

In this case, you may try shrimps. 既然这样,你可以尝尝虾仁。

That‘s good idea. What shrimps do you have? 这是个好主意,你们有哪些虾仁?

We have fried shrimps, fried shrimps with egg white, fried shrimps with walnuts and fried shrimps with olives. 我们有滑炒虾仁、芙蓉虾仁、核桃虾仁和榄肉虾仁。

I’d prefer fried shrimps with walnuts. 我要核桃虾仁。

Anything more? 还要什么吗?

What‘s today’s special? 今天的特色菜是什么?

It‘s weet and sour spare-ribe. Do you want to order one? 是糖醋排骨,你想点一份吗?

Yes, I do. 是的,来一份。




What are you having? 你要吃什么?

What do you want now? 你现在要什么?

You eat everything? 你什么都能吃吧?

Cobb salad, no eggs. 科布沙拉,不加鸡蛋。

I’d like to begin with a chef‘s salad. 我要一份现配的沙拉。

I’ll have a mixed salad and a beef steak. 我要一份什锦沙拉和一份牛排。

I‘ll have a sirloin steak. 我要腰条牛排。

How would you like your steak cooked, madam? 女士,你的牛排要几分熟?

How do you want your steak? 你的牛排要几分熟的?

How would you like your steak done? 你的牛排要几分熟的?

I’d like my steak well-done. 我想要熟透的牛排。

I‘d like my steak medium. 我的牛排要半生不熟的。

Medium, please. 五分熟/适中(半熟)的。

Everything medium rare. 全部五成熟。

I’ll have it medium rare, please. 请做三四分熟。

I‘d like my steak rare. 我想要生一点的牛排。

What would you like to go with your steak? 你的牛排要配什么蔬菜呢?

What vegetables come with the steak? 牛排的配菜是什么?

Peas, carrots, and French fried potatoes. 青豌豆、胡萝卜和炸薯条。

Peas and carrots. 青豌豆和胡萝卜

How about potatoes? 土豆怎么样?

Yes. Boiled, please. 要,请用煮的。

I don’t like spicy food. 我不喜欢吃辣味。

I dislike hot food. 我不喜欢吃辣味。

I just like hot food. 我就是喜欢吃辣味。

I‘d like that without onion, please. 这道菜请不要放洋葱。

Go easy on the onions. 洋葱不要放得太多。

I’m allergic to onion. 我对洋葱过敏。

Which kind of salad dressing would you prefer, French, Thousand Island or Oil and Vinegar? 请问你要哪一种沙拉佐料? 法式、千岛还是油醋佐料?

Do you have any Blue cheese dressing? 你们有蓝乳酪佐料吗?

I‘m afraid not, but I would recommend the French dressing. 恐怕没有,不过我推荐法式佐料。

I see. Ok, I’ll take it. 好吧。我就用你说的那种。

I want the same. 我要一样的。

I‘ll have the same as my daughter. 我要和我女儿一样的。

I’ll have that same exact thing. 我要和他一样的东西。

I‘ll have what you have. 你吃什么我就吃什么。

What did you order? 你点的什么?

You just ordered for me. 你刚才也为我点上了。

I know what I want to eat. 我知道自己想吃什么。

