Beef Wellington, UK全球十大美食之英国惠灵顿牛排,现在小编就来说说关于哪的惠灵顿牛排做的好吃?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!



Beef Wellington, UK


A dish that's fallen out of favour and then become popular again more times than we can count, beef Wellington's origins are as unclear as its connection to Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington. Traditionally, it's a beef fillet steak, coated in pâté and mushroom duxelles (an extremely finely chopped mixture of mushrooms, shallots and herbs), wrapped in puff pastry, then baked. Its modern-day popularity is largely thanks to Gordon Ramsay who's made it one of his signature dishes.

惠灵顿牛排被打入冷宫又重获青睐的次数超乎我们的想象。这道菜的来源就像它和第一代惠灵顿公爵Arthur Wellesley的联系一样含糊不清。依照传统做法,惠灵顿牛排会采用菲力牛排,裹上肉酱和蘑菇泥(一种由切得极碎的蘑菇、洋葱和香料混合而成的酱料),再包裹在酥皮里烘烤。惠灵顿牛排在现代餐饮的流行多半要归功于“地狱厨神”戈登·拉姆齐,他把这道菜当做自己的招牌之一。来自love FOOD
