马和骑兵(Horses and cavalry)


During the war, a soldier carefully fed his horse with barley. However, as soon as the war was over, the horse was pulled to hard labour and carried heavy goods. Later, the war flared up again, the bugle sounded, and the master prepared his saddle and rode his horse to meet the enemy. At this time, the horse had no strength and kept falling. He said to his master, "you'd better find another war horse quickly. Because you have turned me into a donkey, how can you ride me as a war horse?"

Moral: disaster cannot be forgotten in peaceful and comfortable days.

在河里便溺的骆驼(A camel drowning in the river)



When a camel crossed a fast river, he shit in the river. When he saw the dung, it was washed in front of him by the fast flowing river. He said, "why did I see the one behind me come in front of me?"

Moral: ignorant people only see the phenomenon but don't understand the reason.

骆驼、大象和猴子(Camels, elephants and monkeys)



Ignorant animals want to elect kings. Camels and elephants also actively participate in the election. One is tall and the other is strong. They all hope to win the election by defeating others. However, the monkey thought neither of them was suitable. He said, "the camel is always docile and is not angry with the animals who do bad things. The elephant is always afraid of the pig, not like the king."

Moral: don't lose big for small.

骆驼与宙斯(Camel and Zeus)


The camel was envious when he saw the cow showing off its beautiful horns. He also wanted to grow two horns. So he came to Zeus and asked to add a diagonal to him. Because the camel was not satisfied, Zeus had a huge body and strong strength, but also wanted to get more things. He was very angry. He not only didn't let him grow horns, but also cut off a large part of his ears.

Moral: many people are greedy and jealous at the sight of other people's things. Unconsciously, they even lose what they already have.

被迫跳舞的骆驼(Camels forced to dance)



Once upon a time, a man forced his camel to dance. The camel said, "how can I dance if I don't even walk gracefully?"

Moral: applicable to all inappropriate behaviors.

