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长春科技学院办学纪实Keep Moving Forward and Strive for GreatnessDocumentary of Changchun Si-TechUniversity’s Operations



In Changchun, a livable and business-friendly city of China, there is a higher education institution with its rich cultural heritage, and distinctive operational feature ——Changchun Sci-Tech University (CSTU)


Guided by the fundamental mission of strengthening moral values and educating excellent students, CSTU cultivates all-rounded individuals with high-quality application-oriented skills, with creative thinking and practical abilities. There are over 16,000 enrolled students.

育人为本 质量立校

Regarding cultivating students as principle, putting priority on quality



CSTU is an application-oriented university a coordinated structure of specialties with Engineering as the principal specialty, Agriculture as a featured specialty, and Medical Science, Administration, Economics, Natural Science, Arts, Literature, and Education Science, etc. CSTU adopts the application-oriented talent training system under the guidance of one objective, with the coordination of the six departments, cultivating students by the six platforms, and the four guaranteeing systems, and also the “parallel-track” education and administration mode —“Reserve Duty System”.


There are 55 Undergraduate Specialties, 44 Senior Technical Specialties,12 Provincial Pilot Specialties,41 National and Provincial Demonstrating Courses,267 off-campus practical teaching bases for coordinated cultivation and training. CSTU has carried out the joint training program in disciplines such as Food Science and Engineering ,Agriculture, Biology and Medicine Business Administration and Education Science, etc for Master’s degree .CSTU has won one National Teaching Achievement Award and Nine Jilin Provincial Teaching Achievement Awards.

特色办学 服务社会

With its characteristic education mode and the purpose of serving society



Relying on the distinctive disciplines, the strength of platforms and teams of professionals, National Technological Cooperation Base of Deer Industrial Engineering, Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Deer Antler Biology, Jilin Provincial Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Genetic Breeding, Jilin Provincial Dongao institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medical Herbs and other scientific research platforms (15) of national and provincial level have been established. CSTU has undertaken key research projects for the Jilin Provincial Government’s decision-making and consultation, receiving commendations from the provincial governor. The university has won more than 50 awards, including the Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Award, Contribution for Standard Innovation Award, and the Changchun City Excellent Achievement Award for Social Science, etc.

教育兴国 人才为上

Invigorating China Through Education, Putting Talents in the First



Through the project of “introducing and cultivating talents”, and the supporting project of “two hundred talents with doctor’s degree”, It has built up a teaching team with academicians from China Academy of Engineering, winners of the State Council Special Allowance, Provincial or Ministerial Experts with Outstanding Contribution,Provincial Eminent Teachers, and a well-structured team of talents with great potential, including “Changbai Mountain” Scholars, “Changbai Mountain” Eminent Teachers with Skills.

创新为魂 人才辈出

The spirit of innovation cultivates many outstanding students



The university has furthered the collaboration of school and enterprises and established and improved long-term mechanism of collaborative education, carrying out the “Two Certificate System” and “Six-in-One” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Mode; Students have solid theoretical foundation, and strong practical ability, and are highly favored by employers. In the past three successive years, The year-end employment rate has reached over 94%.


In the recent years, students have won awards in the contests and competitions of state, ministerial and provincial level for 8323 times. In the first Vocational Skill Skills Competition in Jilin Province in 2022, students have won eight gold medals, six silver medals and six bronze medals, and 12 winning prizes. In the first Vocational Skill Skills Competition of PRC, students have won one silver medal, one bronze medal and 8 winning prizes, and have been commended by the Jilin provincial government.

诗书益进 壤泽沐芳

Students making progress in learning, fertile soil nurturing plants



Flowers in the campus are in full bloom; and crystal-clear lake,The campus covers an area of over 847,200 m2, with a collection of 1.18 million books, Library, International Conference Center,Gymnasium,Swimming Pool, magnificent Sports Center,various cultural activities.

海纳百川 开放办学

Embracing the world with an open-minded approach



CSTU has formally signed a cooperation agreement with 56 colleges and universities in 12 countries including Russia, South Korea, Thailand and other countries, and Taiwan. Students can be offered long-term or short-term exchange, or do postgraduate study for master’s and doctor’s degree.

励精图治 硕果累累

Great efforts have achieved fruitful achievements



CSTU has been awarded successively as “Exemplary Group for the Management of the Registration and Granting of Higher Education Certificates by the Ministry of Education”, University Featured with National Defense Education, State Demonstrating Base for High-Tech Business Incubation, Excellent University of Chinese Non-governmental Higher Education, Pilot Unit for Direct Recruitment of Cadets in Jilin Province, Model Unit of Employment Management of Jilin Province, Changchun Municipal Civilized Campus.

长春科技学院将秉承"崇德至善 笃学强能"的校训精神,初心如磐,勇毅前行,为党育人,为国育才!

CSTU will adhere to the school motto of “Developing Students’ Moral and Character, Devoted to Studying and Developing Skills”, Remain true to the original aspiration, and forge ahead in a resolute way, Educating students for the Communist Party, Cultivating talents for the great Country.
