


1、 给银行卡“减肥”:不要留太多银行卡,只留下具有较多功能的卡即可;

2、 明白收支,小心“温馨陷阱”:假借“温馨提示”的名义让我们支付不必要的支出;

3、 掌握透支免息期限,避免损失。‍

How to use bank card:

1. Give bank cards "weight loss": Don't leave too many bank cards, just leave cards with more functions;

2. Understand the income and expenditure, beware of "warm traps": let us pay unnecessary expenses under the guise of "warm reminders";

3. Master the interest-free period of overdrafts to avoid losses. ‍



1、 提现没有免息期:一提现就有利息(相当于借银行的钱);

2、 部分还款,全额计息:某些信用卡具有部分还款,全额计息的机制,即使未还款还有很少,利息还是按照还款前的金额计算;

3、 还款日以款项到达账户为准:还款尽量不要在还款日当日还款,因为只有款项到账之后才算还款,如果在还款日当天还款,但当天没有到账,就会产生不必要的损失;

4、 被盗刷后的信用卡的损失由用户承担。‍

Credit card use strategy:

1. There is no interest-free period for withdrawal: there is interest as soon as the withdrawal is made (equivalent to borrowing money from the bank);

2. Partial repayment, full interest calculation: Some credit cards have a partial repayment, full interest calculation mechanism, even if there is a small amount of outstanding payment, the interest is still calculated based on the amount before the repayment;

3. The repayment date is subject to the arrival of the money in the account: try not to repay the repayment on the day of the repayment, because the repayment will only be counted after the payment arrives. Will produce unnecessary losses;

4. The user shall bear the loss of the stolen credit card. ‍



1、 使用信用卡的额外功能:银行卡有许多我们并不知道的功能,熟练地使用这些功能会给我们带来便利;

2、 利用免息巧省钱,可以借银行的钱去投资,在免息期钱还款就可做到“无中生有”;

3、 充分挖掘银行卡理财服务;

4、 集中资产成为VIP:把自己的资产集中到一个银行,成为一个银行的VIP,可以享有额外的服务。

Clever use of various bank cards:

1. Additional functions of using credit cards: Bank cards have many functions that we don't know, and using these functions skillfully will bring us convenience;

2. Using interest-free to save money, you can borrow money from the bank to invest, and you can achieve "out of nothing" by repayment during the interest-free period;

3. Fully explore bank card wealth management services;

4. Concentrate assets to become VIP: Concentrate your assets to a bank and become a VIP of a bank, and you can enjoy additional services.



素材来源于《投资与理财》——第3版 电子工业出版社

