

1. make me sleepy使我困倦

2. drive sb. crazy/mad使……发疯/发狂

3. be friends with sb.成为某人的朋友

4. feel left out感觉被忽视

5. sleep badly睡眠很差

6. don’t feel like eating不想吃东西

7. have lots of power有很大的权力

11. do badly做得差

12. remain unhappy forever永远不幸福

13. search for搜寻;寻找

14. return to the king回复国王

15. let …down使……失望

16. kick sb.off开除

17. support each other相互支持


18. pull together齐心协力

19. nod in agreement点头同意

20. lose the competition输了竞赛

21. get good grades on an exam在考试中取得好成绩

22. get into a fight with your best friend与你的好朋友发生争吵

23. speak in front of many people在众人面前讲话

