
1.sunny weather 阳光明媚的天气

The warm sunny weather always give me a sense of well-being。温暖阳光的天气一直都给我幸福安宁的感觉。

2.unsettled weather 变化无常的天气

We didn’t have the picnic because the weather was unsettled。我们没有出去野餐,因为天气变幻莫测。

3.broken weather 阴晴不定的天气

The spell of rainy weather has broken. 持续的雨天突然放晴了。

4.lazy weather 使人倦懒的天气

The weather was lazy。这天气使人无精打采。

5.severe weather 恶劣的天气

Severe weather immobilized the rescue team. 恶劣的天气使救援队丧失了机动性。

6.foggy weather 雾茫茫的天气

As often as not the buses are late on foggy day。每逢多雾天气,公车往往误点。

7.glorious weather 妙不可言的天气

We had glorious weather for our cruise, sunshine all day and every day。我们这次巡航天气实在太好了,一连几天阳光普照。

8.cold weather 寒冷的天气

The cold weather froze the lake 。寒冷的天气使湖水结冰了。

9.frosty weather 严寒的天气

The air was frosty。空气凛冽。

10.moist weather 微湿的天气

You need cool, moist weather for these plants。这些植物需要清凉潮湿的天气。


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