“Used to”的两种形式

许多英语学习者混淆used to的两种形式。阅读这一篇短文可以提高你的理解能力!

used to后面接什么形式(Usedto的两种形式)(1)

Be used to = accustomed to

used to的第一个意思是“accustomed to”——过去你觉得奇怪或不一样的事情,但现在你觉得很正常,这时候有be动词在前面:

  1. When I first moved to Korea, I didn’t like the food – but now I’m used to it.
  2. We‘re used to waking up early – we do it every day.
  3. My 4-year-old son cried on the first day of school; he wasn’t used to being away from his mother the whole day.
  4. It took me a long time to get used to driving on the right side of the road after I moved from New York to London.
  5. So, you’ve lived in Finland for 5 years – are you used to the cold weather yet?

上面的例句表明在used to出现之前,我们用动词BE和GET来表示习惯某事的状态,GET用来表示习惯某事的过程。在used to的这种形式之后,我们使用一个名词或ing形式。

used to / didn’t use to = something you did repeatedly in the past, but not now

used to的第二个意思是描述你在过去重复做过的事情,但是你现在不做了:

  1. When I was a child, I used to go to the beach with my grandparents.
  2. He used to play tennis, but he stopped a few years ago.
  3. She didn’t use to like vegetables, but now she eats them frequently.
  4. They didn’t use to come to church, but now they’re among the most dedicated members.
  5. Did you use to drink a lot in your college years?

从上面的例句可以看出,在used to的这种形式之后,我们使用动词的不定式。
