1.That's the sound he makes when he climaxes.这就是他在高潮时发出的声音

2.It's absolutely scrumptious.这真的很美味

3.Please back me up.你得支持我

4.It's too sordid.太下流了

5.Are you gonna back me up or what?你会支持我吗

6.I can't allow you to discipline him if you won't even tell me what he did.起码你得把事情讲清楚再管教他

7.I feel really bad about the tone of our meeting.抱歉上次会面我语气确实有点儿重

8.I'm convinced your marriage is a train wreck, the gnarly type,mass sasualties.你们的婚姻像失事的火车,千疮百孔,损失严重

9.I'm passing on the name of a great divorce lawyer.我是个很好的打离婚官司的律师

10.You have some nerve.你可真够胆


