
This collection is qianlong xiao powder white marble vase and jade cup. Emperor qianlong's obsession with jade made "qianlong jade" the synonym of Chinese jade in the 18th century, and qianlong jade became the most dazzling pearl in the development process of ancient Chinese jade. Qianlong xiao powder jade bowl was the emperor qianlong's mother fell ill at that time, after the imperial doctor treatment research and development of Chinese medicine must cooperate with the use of jade to achieve the best curative effect. For this, emperor qianlong ordered craftsmen to make jade bowls, jade plates, jade cups, and jade bottles. Later as "qianlong xiao powder". Hard white marble texture, stone body out of the light watermark, commonly known as sweat line, hence the name white marble. White marble for the ancient Chinese royal architecture, art carving use of the rare top stone. "Qianlong xiao powder" due to the selection of fine white jade made, dark carved pattern, the process is very complex, even in the court is also a rare thing. The candlestick with carved flower for qianlong xiao powder of white marble is a rare treasure.


White marble is a kind of precious building materials, it is white and flawless, texture solid and fine, very easy to carve, ancient and modern rare buildings use it as the raw material. Its name has another origin, it is said that our country from the han dynasty to use this kind of beautiful jade material to build palaces, decorate temples......


