walk /wɔːk/ v. 走,步行;散步;走过;陪伴……走;遛;,现在小编就来说说关于词库狂奔?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!



walk /wɔːk/

v. 走,步行;散步;走过;陪伴……走;遛;

n. 步行,走;散步;小路

all walks of life 各行各业;各界人士

take a walk 散步

go for a walk v. 散步

random walk 随机游动;无规行走

walk of life n. 行业;阶层;社会地位

walk on 走下去;继续行走

walk along 散步;向前走;沿着…走

walk away 走开;离去


1. __________ (walk) along the alleyways, one can appreciate the design of the city and its stylish man-made cave houses.

2. The old lady __________ (walk) the dog every morning.

3. As he __________ (walk) on, he felt himself getting more and more tired.

4. The ice was thick enough __________ (walk) on.

5. The office is ten minutes' __________ (步行) from here.

6. (熟词新义) There are some interesting __________ (小径) in the area.

7. (熟词新义) If you __________ (walk) someone somewhere, you walk there with them in order to show politeness or to make sure that they get there safely.

8. A __________ (walk) stick is a great help to the old lady.

9. Our membership includes people from all __________ (walk) of life. 我们的会员来自各行各业。

10. Beauty and the beast was what people used to call them when Helen and her husband went __________ (walk) together. 海伦和丈夫外出走在一起时,人们常常议论说他俩是彩凤随鸦。

答案:1. Walking 2. walks 3. walked 4. to walk 5. walk 6. walks 7. walk 陪伴护送 8. walking adj. 9. walks 10. walking