
Comparison of classical and operant conditioning 经典条件反射和操作性条件反射的比较

There are many similarities between the two types of conditioning, including extinction and spontaneous recovery. However, there are significant differences, such as classical conditioning being a passive process whereas operant conditioning is active. The table below summarises the comparisons 这两种类型的条件反射有许多相似之处,包括消亡和自发恢复。然而,也有显著的区别,如古典条件反射是一个被动的过程,而操作性条件反射是主动的。下表总结了这些比较 :

Classical conditioning 古典条件反射 :

Operant conditioning 操作性条件反射 :

New behaviours are acquired by associative learning.


New behaviours are acquired by associative learning.


Behaviours may become extinct...


Behaviours may become extinct...


... and spontaneously recover.


... and spontaneously recover.


stimulus generalisation and discrimination occur.


Stimulus generalisation and discrimination occur.


Based on involuntary reflex behaviour.


Based on voluntary behaviour.


Learner is the object of experience (passive learning).


Learner is the subject of experience (active learning).


Effectiveness of conditioning assessed by size of response.


Effectiveness of conditioning assessed by frequency of response.



Limitations of the behaviourist approach 行为主义方法的局限性
  1. Behaviourism does not see innate behaviours as significant. Animals have a predisposition to perform some behaviours over others (theory of preparedness) and so will learn some behaviours more readily than others. 行为主义认为先天的行为并不重要。动物有进行某些行为而不是其他行为的倾向性(准备理论),因此会比其他行为更容易学习一些行为。
  2. The reduction of learning to stimulus-response associations is an oversimplification. Learning is more about understanding the relationships between events in the environment. 将学习简化为刺激-反应的关联是一种过分的简化。学习更多的是关于理解环境中事件之间的关系。
  3. This notion is supported by Rescorla (1968), who demonstrated that conditioning is most effective when the CS is a reliable predictor of the UCS. Higher-order conditioning and secondary reinforcers also suggests that learning is not a straight forward stimulus-response connection. 这一概念得到了Rescorla(1968)的支持,他证明了当CS是UCS的一个可靠预测因素时,条件反射是最有效的。高阶条件反射和次要强化物也表明,学习不是一种直接的刺激-反应联系。
  4. Learning does not necessarily involve measurable responses. A null response does not mean that learning has not occurred. 学习不一定涉及可测量的反应。无反应并不意味着没有发生学习。
  5. Alternative explanations of learning include social learning and the cognitive approach. Tolman's (1948) latent learning theory explains learning in terms of mental or cognitive maps. 对学习的其他解释包括社会学习和认知方法。托尔曼(1948)的潜在学习理论从心理或认知地图的角度解释了学习。
  6. He observed that rats learn their environment (a maze in his experiments) in the absence of reinforcement. This latent learning is only expressed when reinforcement is introduced resulting in excellent performance.他观察到,老鼠在没有强化的情况下学习它们的环境(在他的实验中是一个迷宫)。这种潜在的学习只有在引入强化物后才会表现出来,从而产生出色的表现。
  7. Learning in humans may involve conditioning (good evidence comes from phobia acquisition) but it may not be valid to generalise the behaviour of non-human animals to humans. 人类的学习可能涉及到条件反射(很好的证据来自于恐惧症的获得),但将非人类动物的行为概括到人类身上可能是不成立的。