
数百年来,硬币和钞票一直是人类进行商品交易的主要方式。在英国,自借记卡和信用卡被发明以来,现金的使用已不如以往那样普遍。2017 年,使用现金交易的金额的总数低于借记卡支付的交易金额。这难道意味着我们离现金时代的消亡不远了?借记卡会变成未来唯一的交易方式吗?所有人都认可这种交易方式吗?带你展望无现金社会的种种可能。

Vocabulary: money 词汇: 金钱

Cash is king, or so they say. In one form or another, human beings have been carrying around money for hundreds of years. Metal was first coined into cash between 700 and 600 BC by the Lydians, and banknotes have been in circulation since their first use in China around 1000 AD. These days, though, habits have changed. Modern technology means that while money is still widely used, it's more likely to be a digital transaction than a wad of notes and a handful of shrapnel. If cash is king, then it may eventually be dethroned.

现金为王,至少他们是这么说的。数百年来,人类一直以一种或另一种形式随身携带金钱。金属最早 是 在公元前 700 年到 600 年由吕底亚人铸造现金的,纸币自公元1000 年左右在中国首次使用以来 一直在流通。然而目前,习惯已经改变。现代技术意味着,虽然金钱仍然被广泛使用,但它更有可能是一种数字交易 ,而不是一沓钞票 和一把零钱。如果现金为王,那么它最终可能会被废黜。

In the UK, the use of tangible currency is in decline. In 2017, the banking trade body UK Finance reported a 15% fall in the use of ready money. Since their first use, debit card payments have given cash a run for its money. Last year, for the first time ever, the use of debit cards and contactless payments became the most popular way to stump up. In fact, if trends continue, the use of cold hard cash, would end by 2026, says the report.

在英国,有形货币的使用正在下降。2017 年,银行业贸易机构 UK Finance 报告称,现钞使用量下降了15 %。自从首次使用借记卡支付以来, 现金就已经物超所值去年,借记卡和非接触式支付首次成为最流行的结账方式。报告称,事实上,如果趋势继续下去, 冷硬现金的使用将在2026年结束。

For businesses, the smart money is on not taking cash. By doing so, they are in the money. For example, the Boot pub in Freston opened last year as a cashless pub. In a BBC article, its owner Mike Keen lists several advantages, including a quicker speed of service, lower insurance premiums since no cash is kept on site, and a saving in time as he needn't cash up each day nor make a deposit in the bank several times each week.

对于企业来说, 聪明的钱是不拿现金。这样一来,他们就有钱了。例如,弗雷斯顿的 Boot 酒吧去年作为无现金酒吧开业。在 BBC的一篇文章中,它的所有者 Mike Keen 列出了几个优点,包括更快的服务速度、更低的保险费,因为现场没有现金,以及节省时间,因为他不需要每天兑现, 也不需要存款每周去银行几次。

However, eight million people in the UK still need cash, according to the Access to Cash Review, an independent body measuring the need for cash in the UK. Those living in rural areas with poor internet connectivity and people who have physical or mental health issues are among those that find it difficult to use digital services. In addition, many service providers, such as window cleaners, are still paid cash in hand. Not to mention, budgeting, which is easier with cash since "you know what you've got," interviewee Kev Jackson told the BBC.

然而,根据衡量英国现金需求的独立机构 Access to Cash Review 的数据,英国仍有 800万人需要现金。那些生活在互联网连接不畅的农村地区的人和有身体或精神健康问题的人都发现难以使用数字服务。此外,许多服务提供商,如窗户清洁工,仍以现金支付。更不用说预算了,因为“你知道自己拥有什么”,因此用现金更容易做预算,受访者凯夫杰克逊告诉 BBC。

Is cash dead? Not yet it would seem, though as more technological solutions to payment, such as smart watches, become commonplace, its use is likely to decline more. What's important is, the report concludes, to put in place infrastructure to ensure that those who still need to pay the good, old-fashioned way can get their money's worth.现金死了吗?似乎还没有,尽管随着智能手表等更多支付技术解决方案变得司空见惯,其使用可能会进一步下降。报告总结说,重要的是建立基础设施,以确保那些仍然需要以良好、老式方式付款的人能够物有所值



cash is king 现金为王,现金至上coin 铸造(货币)cash 现金banknote 钞票in circulation (货币)在流通transaction 交易wad of notes 一沓钞票shrapnel 零钱currency 货币ready money 现款、现金give something a run for its money 给…带来竞争contactless payment 非接触式支付stump up (不情愿的)掏腰包,付钱cold hard cash “硬当当的” 现金the smart money is on 内行认为…in the money 赚大钱

cashless 不用现金的cash up 清点、结算账目make a deposit (往银行账户里)存款cash in hand 现金支付在手budgeting 计算开支get your money's worth 把钱花得物有所值


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1、 How long has humanity been using coins as currency?

2. True or false? Paying by cash is more popular than ever before.

3. Why are businesses and retailers turning to a cashless system?

4. Why is budgeting with cash easier?

5. Which word in the text means 'happening or being seen often'?

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. He tried to pay me £15 in ______! I told him I didn't want that great big pile of metal.

notes coined shrapnel deposit

2. I've got a weekend job for you. It's ______ so you get paid by the day.

cash in hand the smart money budgeting contactless payment

3. Right, I bought the last three meals. This time you are paying, so ______.

cash up pucker up stump up clench up

4. I don't know where they are, but the ______ is on them being on holiday.

ready money old hard cash deposit smart money

5. Look who just bought a new sports car! I guess you got your bonus! Someone's ______!

cash in hand in the money budgeting giving a run for their money


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. How long has humanity been using coins as currency?Metal was first coined into cash between 700 and 600BC by the Lydians.

2. True or false? Paying by cash is more popular than ever before.False. In 2017, the banking trade body UK Finance reported a 15% fall in the use of cash.

3. Why are businesses and retailers turning to a cashless system?By not taking cash, businesses would be at an advantage.

4. Why is budgeting with cash easier?Budgeting with cash is easier because you know what you've got.

5. Which word in the text means 'happening or being seen often'?Commonplace. (Not yet it would seem, though as more technological solutions to payment become commonplace, its use is likely to decline more.)

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. He tried to pay me £15 in shrapnel! I told him I didn't want that great big pile of metal.

2. I've got a weekend job for you. It's cash in hand so you get paid by the day.

3. Right, I bought the last three meals. This time you are paying, so stump up.

4. I don't know where they are, but the smart money is on them being on holiday.

5. Look who just bought a new sports car! I guess you got your bonus! Someone's in the money!
