

海洋科学家在加利福尼亚海岸附近太平洋海底数千英尺处发现了这种奇怪的鱼,它被称为太平洋桶眼鱼(学名是“Macropinna microstoma”),是一种很难被捕捉到的鱼,迄今为止仅在野外发现了9次。蒙特雷湾水族馆研究所 (MBARI) 的研究人员使用ROV(遥控车)探索了太平洋沿岸最深的水下山谷之一。12 月 9 日,科学家们在推特上发文说,他们已经派出ROV进行了5600多次潜水,试图一睹海下的风采。蒙特雷湾水族馆的资深水族爱好者Thomas Knowles表示,在蒙特雷海底峡谷约650米深处,ROV拍摄到了一条悬浮在水中的桶眼鱼。桶眼鱼的眼睛在 ROV 的灯光下发出亮绿色的光,可以很清晰地看到,它的头被一种透明的、充满液体的防护罩包裹着。



Discovered in the deep: the incredible fish with a transparent head


In the ocean's shadowy twilight zone, between 600 and 800 metres beneath the surface, there are fish that gaze upwards through their transparent heads with eyes like mesmerising emerald orbs. These domes are huge spherical lenses that sit on a pair of long, silvery eye tubes – hence its common name, the barreleye fish (Macropinna microstoma).

在海洋阴暗的界限地带,即海面下600至800米处,有一种鱼通过它们透明的头部向上凝视,其眼睛就像迷人的绿宝石球体。这些圆顶是巨大的球形透镜,位于一对长长的、银色的眼管上——因此它的俗名是桶眼鱼(Macropinna microstoma)。

The green tint (which actually comes from a yellow pigment) acts as sunglasses, of a sort, to help them track down their prey. There's nowhere to hide in the open waters of the deep ocean and many animals living here have glowing bellies that disguise their silhouette and protect them – bioluminescent prey is hard to spot against the dim blue sunlight trickling down. But barreleyes are one step ahead. Their eye pigment allows the fish to distinguish between sunlight and bioluminescence, says Bruce Robison, deep-sea biologist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in California. It helps barreleyes to get a clear view of the animals trying to erase their shadows.


The barreleye's tubular eyes are extremely sensitive and take in a lot of light, which is useful in the inky depths of the twilight zone. But Robison was initially mystified that their eyes seemed fixed upwards on the small spot of water, right above their heads. "It always puzzled me that their eyes aimed upward, but the field of view did not include their mouths," says Robison. Imagine trying to eat scraps of food floating in front of you, while fixing your eyes on the ceiling.




文本选自:USA Today(今日美国)

作者:Dinah Voyles Pulver

原文发布时间:30 Aug. 2022


Energy and persistence conquer all things.

