Jennifer Lawrence has responded to criticisms regarding a photocall for her upcoming film Red Sparrow, in which the actress is pictured wearing a revealing dress on a London rooftop alongside her male colleagues, who are notably more wrapped up.詹妮弗•劳伦斯因一张照片遭到了指责。这张照片是她为即将上映的电影《红雀》拍摄的。照片中,这位女演员身着一件暴露的连衣裙,与她的男同事们一起站在伦敦的一个天台上,而她的男同事显然穿得比较多。对于这一指责,劳伦斯做出了回应。

Writing on her Facebook page, she said she was “extremely offended” over the controversy caused by her choice to wear a Versace dress that she described as “gorgeous”.她在自己的脸书主页上写道,因为她选择穿一件自认为“华丽的”范思哲连衣裙而引发争议,她“非常气愤”。

“Wow. I don't really know where to get started on this 'Jennifer Lawrence wearing a revealing dress in the cold' controversy,” her post begins.““哇。对于‘詹妮弗•劳伦斯在大冷天里穿着暴露’这一争议,我真不知道从何谈起,”她在帖子中写道。

“This is not only utterly ridiculous, I am extremely offended.”“这不仅可笑至极,我也非常气愤。”


“That Versace dress was fabulous, you think I'm going to cover that gorgeous dress up with a coat and a scarf?““那件范思哲连衣裙很漂亮,你认为我要在这件华丽的连衣裙外面搭一件大衣和一条围巾吗?”

“I was outside for five minutes. I would have stood in the snow for that dress because I love fashion and that was my choice.”“我在外面待了五分钟。我会穿着那件礼服站在雪地里是因为我热爱时尚,而且那是我的选择。”

Lawrence described the response to the photo as “sexist” and “ridiculous”, adding that the criticisms were anti-feminist and that there were far more important things to focus on their her choice of clothing.劳伦斯表示,指责这张照片的人是“性别歧视者”,而且他们“很可笑”。她补充道,这一指责是在反对女权主义,而且比起关注她的服装选择,有更重要的事情值得他们去关注。

“Overreacting about everything someone says or does, creating controversy over silly innocuous things such as what I choose to wear or not wear, is not moving us forward,” she said.““对某个人的所言或所为反应过度,或是因一些无伤大雅的无聊事宜(例如我选择穿什么或不穿什么)而制造争议并不会使我们进步,”她说道。

“It's creating silly distractions from real issues. Everything you see me wear is my choice. And if I want to be cold THATS MY CHOICE TOO!”“对于那些真正应被关注的问题,这是在愚蠢地分散人们的注意力。不论你看到我穿什么,那都是我的选择。如果我想冻着,那也是我的选择!”

Lawrence’s post has already racked up more than 16,000 likes and been shared by hundreds of the actress’ loyal fans.劳伦斯的帖子已经得到了16000人的点赞,而且她的上百位忠实粉丝还转发了她的帖子。

“Had you opted for the coat and scarf, there would have been fashion police insulting how you disparaged the Versace line,” wrote one commenter.““如果你选择穿上大衣,围上围巾,时尚警察们会指责你贬损了范思哲的连衣裙,”一位评论者写道。

“It was a no-win situation, and I love seeing you stand behind your principles."“这是一个无法取胜的局面,我喜欢看到你坚持自己的原则。”

