

The trouble with duty-free

Call of duty


It is time to close the airport-shopping loophole

IN “L’ENFER”, a recent novel by the French philosopher Gaspard Koenig, a university professor dies only to discover that hell is an eternity spent traipsing around airport duty-free shops. Others seem to enjoy the experience rather more. Travel retail has grown into a mastodon, with annual sales of $86bn before the pandemic hit. It is busy adapting by expanding beyond the airport terminal, notably in China. As it does, its tax privileges are becoming ever more indefensible.

在法国哲学家加斯帕德·科尼希(Gaspard Koenig)的最新小说《 L'ENFER》中,一位大学教授去世,发现地狱是一段无穷无尽的时间,而人们花在机场免税店逛来逛去的时间似乎也是无穷无尽的。其他一部分人似乎更喜欢这种体验。旅游零售业发展已经非常成熟,疫情爆发前的年销售额就已达到860亿美元。如今,旅游零售业正进行调整,试图扩展到机场航站楼以外地区,尤其是在中国。确实,它的税收优惠带来的诱惑变得越来越难以抗拒。

loophole 表示“(法律、合同等的)漏洞,空子”,本文的主要观点是机场免税本就是一种“投机取巧”的行为,应该关闭这个“漏洞”。

eternity 指“永恒;永生”,an eternity 通常表示“无穷无尽的一段时间”;形容词是 eternal(不朽的;永久的)

traipse 意思是“拖沓地行走;磨蹭”,这里用来形容人们在免税店里慢悠悠地逛过来逛过去,就是逛不完。

mastodon 本指“乳齿象;庞然大物”,在这里可以理解为“已经发展到了很大的阶段”,也就是已经发展得很成熟了。

annual 指“ 每年的;一年一次的”,比如 an annual meeting 就表示“年会”

airport terminal 表示“机场航站楼”;机票的购票信息上显示的 T2/T3 中的T就是terminal

privilege 意思是“优惠待遇;特权”

The premise underpinning duty-free is that the mere act of crossing an international border should exempt travellers from some taxes that non-travellers are subject to. This was a questionable wheeze even when European airports lobbied for it in the 1950s. Now it is untenable. Modern tax codes typically seek to dampen inequality, but duty-free shopping hands most benefits to the well-heeled who frequently travel abroad. Taxes could usefully nudge people to be greener. Duty rebates overwhelmingly fall into the pockets of people who fly and pollute. One goal of excise tariffs is to curb the harmful use of tobacco and alcohol, but airport shopping is explicitly designed to circumvent them. As duty-free shopping has ballooned, what was once a wrinkle has swelled into a tax-avoidance scheme for jet-setters.


premise 指“前提”,常用于 on the premise that 表示“在……前提下”underpin 意思是“构成(…的基础等);巩固”exempt A from B 表示“免除;豁免”,同时 exempt 还可用作形容词,即 be exempt from ,也表示“免除,豁免”subject 用作形容词,本意是“易遭受…的”,常用于be subject to sth;它的常用词意是名词“学科;主题”wheeze 指“花招;计谋;窍门”,与下文的“wrinkle(窍门)”相呼应lobby 意思是“游说(从政者或政府)”,后跟for/against sth;用作名词时,lobby 表示“门厅,大厅”untenable 指“站不住脚的;不堪一击的”well-heeled 意思是“有钱的;富有的”nudge 本意是“轻推,轻触”,可以想象一个画面来理解这个词意:想象一下你上课时正在和同桌说话,这时老师进来了,你的同桌用胳膊轻轻碰了碰你。这个动作就是nudge;在本文中,nudge可以引申理解为“推动;促使”rebate 指“退还款”,比如 a tax rebate 就表示“退还税款”excise 表示“国内货物税;消费税”explicitly 意思是“直截了当地;明确地”;形容词是 explicit,形容人时表示“说话直接的,坦率的”,类似于 frankcircumvent 意思是“设法回避;规避”balloon 用作动词,意思是“膨胀,激增”,非常形象。wrinkle 在本文中意思是“妙招,窍门”,与上文 wheeze 类似swell 本意是“肿胀”,就是被蜜蜂蛰了/被蚊子咬了以后鼓起来了的那种“肿胀”;在本文中表示“增加,扩大”jet-setter 指“常乘飞机旅行的富豪”;其中,jet 表示“喷气式飞机”
