怎么用上高大上的 英语的定语从句,记住七个字就一招搞定

怎么用上高大上的 英语的定语从句, 其实不难,记住七个字就可以来:重复前面提到的!



  1. I live in a city,这个城市最美丽.

  2. But it seems big to others,这一点我相信

  3. We can enjoy good food and have good goods,这些货物都来自这个城市

  4. The bread feels soft and hot,这是我们需要的.

  5. The weather in the city gets better,这给我们带来更多的希望.

  6. No goods goes bad in the cool city,在这个城市我们享受到了好的天气

  7. The old remain strong and healthy,他们有美好的生活

  8. The young keep happy and wealthy,从他们那里我们看到了更加美好的明天

  9. Yes, our city should be a rich one,它的名字应该叫做幸福之城.

  10. I [am] sure such is our hope,这是我们可以得到的……

  11. The people are in a rich place 这个地方大家都向往的.

  12. The poor were poor but now they are getting,这来自我们的努力工作

  13. And everybody is becoming richer and richer,他们的人生会越来越好


  1. I live in a city,【用which替代这个城市】which is the most beautiful这个城市最美丽.

  2. But it seems big to others,【用which替代这一点】which I believe这一点我相信

  3. We can enjoy good food and have good goods,【用which替代:这,表示对上句事迹的一个总结】which comes from the city这些货物都来自这个城市.

  4. The bread feels soft and hot,【用which替代“这”,表示对上句所描述的事情一个总结】which is what we need这是我们需要的.

  5. The weather in the city gets better,which brings us more hope【这里的意思是:并且给我们带来……,动词用ing形式】这给我们带来更多的希望.

  6. No goods goes bad in the cool city,【在这个城市,表示在某个地点,用where】where we can enjoy good weather在这个城市我们享受到了好的天气

  7. The old remain strong and healthy,who have a good life【用who替代:那些老年人,重复前面的那个人,或者那些人,也可以说:他们】他们有美好的生活

  8. The young keep happy and wealthy,【从他们那里,就是总个the young 那些年轻人那里,那些年轻人用who替代,在介词from后,变成whom】from whom we can see a better tomorrow从他们那里我们看到了更加美好的明天

  9. Yes, our city should be a rich one,【表示重复 “某人某物的”,用whose这里是说“我们城市的”名字】whose name should be Happiness City它的名字应该叫做幸福之城.

  10. I [am] sure such is our hope,which is what we can get【用which替代“这”,表示对上句所描述的事情一个总结】这是我们可以得到的.

  11. The people are in a rich place which people want to come to【用which/that替代“这个地方”,相当于把the rich place重复一遍】这个地方大家都向往的.

  12. The poor were poor but now they are getting,which comes from our hard work【用which替代“这”,表示对上句所描述的事情一个总结】这来自我们的努力工作

  13. And everybody is becoming richer and richer,【表示重复 “某人某物的”,用whose这里是说“每一个人everybody的生活”用whose】whose life will be better and better他们的人生会越来越好


The city is my favourire
