
现在分词即动词 ing,它不仅仅是用在进行时态,例如与be动词搭配,可以表达正在发生的动作,如:We are singing and dancing under the tree.就是一个现在进行时的句子。但现在分词还有其它功能,本文重点讨论其做句子成分所起的功能。


例如 “Walking through Sherwood Forest at sunset, we could feel an air of mystery, as if the ancient tree had a story to tell, if only we could hear”.这里的现在分词就是伴随主句的动作,是修饰主句的状语。

现在分词可以放在名词前面做定语,如rising sun(冉冉升起的太阳), boiling water(沸腾的热水), the sinking ship(在沉没的轮船)。


  1. The crying girl took a long breath and laid down on the couch.(定语)
  2. Watching TV, he forgot everything else.(状语)
  3. I really liked this bouncing ball.(定语)



I drive through the electric gates of a three-acre estate, passing landscaped gardens before I pull up in front of a neocolonial mansion, parking beside a red car. 这里划线词都是现在分词做状语的例子。



( 1 ) Crying loudly, he went home.

( 2 ) I have been working since last night.

( 3 ) Bill is beating him.

( 4 ) I saw Anna scolding her daughter.

( 5 ) Many workers are trapped inside the burning factory.


( a ) 当两件事同时发生,且动作的人是同一人.


( 6 ) Rahul fell asleep listening to music.

( 7 ) He went into the rain running.



( 8 ) Throwing the bag, he went to the cinema.

( 9 ) Getting off the clothes, he took a bath.

( 10 ) Seeing his mother, he touched her feet.

( b ) 现在分词做形容词,当定语


( 11 ) Kavita wore a fascinating dress at the function.

( 12 ) He has an amazing bike.

( 13 ) I with my family watched an interesting movie.

( 14 ) That flying bird is on the verge of extinction.

( 15 ) Many workers are inside the burning factory.

Where fascinating, amazing, interesting, flying and burning are present participle examples as well as adjectives.

( c ) 用现在分词表达原因


( 16 ) Knowing that his father is now medically fit, he distributed the sweets.

( 17 ) Seeing the ice cream, my nephew determined to eat it.

( 18 ) Being dirty, he didn’t enter the temple.

( 19 ) Thinking that the policeman is not outside, he came out of the house.

( 20 ) Asking a question, he cleared all his doubts.



( 21 ) Rohan’s grandfather was sitting in his bed reading a newspaper.

( 22 ) His younger brother took over all the studios belonging to Ranjit Singh.

( 23 ) A beautiful girl wearing a white dress announced the results.

( 24 ) Regretting his mistake, the director said sorry.

( 25 ) Being blind, he fell down.

( 26 ) He went to school eating pies and cakes.

( 27 ) I saw a van carrying newspapers.

( 28 ) Seeing the clouds, the cricketers lay on the ground.

( 29 ) Abhishek went running towards his pet.

( 30 ) Love is the biggest booming beat.

( 31 ) All the existing policies will be considered.

( 32 ) Sometimes, I felt that the ground was moving.

( 33 ) The operating system is completely useless.

( 34 ) I saw a burning house.

( 35 ) When I entered the house, I heard someone abusing me.

( 36 ) An old man was walking along the road.

( 37 ) I saw some birds flying over the roof.

( 38 ) Buying that house, I made a blunder.

( 39 ) I caught him red-handed stealing my books.

( 40 ) Drinking alcohol, he was dancing.

( 41 ) Diagnosing the illness, I sent him to the related doctor.

( 42 ) When I turned back, I heard someone calling for help.

( 43 ) Arriving soon, I felt that there was no party.

( 44 ) I heard the people talking about Narendra Modi.

( 45 ) Kapil bought new jogging shoes.

( 46 ) Standing in the sunlight, I fixed the TV signal.

( 47 ) Painting the picture, he was talking to me.

( 48 ) Please bring that glowing marble.

( 49 ) The principal always creates a confusing situation.

( 50 ) A sixth-grade student gave an inspiring speech.


*Waiting for a bus, a brick fell on my head.

这是一个错误的句子,因为waiting for a bus 的隐含主语是I,而后句的主语是brick,因此不统一。
