




“My Story of Chinese Hanzi" is an internationa l competition , hosted by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and organized by People's Daily Online.

The entire competition consists of preliminary rounds(预赛)semi-finals, and finals.

The first two rounds of the competition will be held online. Contestants will answer the questions and provide one-minute videos in the preliminary rounds. The second-round contestants will produce videos featuring a virtual talent show. Votes will be cast by fans online, and the top ten selected winners will move onto the finals, which will be held offline in late August.

Each finalist will deliver a seven-minute speech focusing on the theme of "Ren", a fundamental value long cherished in Chinese culture.


International students in China.including ethnic Chinese who are at least third-generation immigrants ;

Foreigners working in China whose native language is not Chinese and whose parents’ native language is not Chinese;

Other non-native speakers of Chinese (including full-time students and community members) who are non-Chinese citizens.

There is no age limit for contestants.


Preliminary rounds -The top 30 contestants will receive participation awards and be eligible to enter into the semi-finals.

Semi-finals-The contest organizing committee will upload the videos of the winners of the preliminary rounds onto the People's Daily Online website, organize online voting, and then select ten winners after completion of online voting and scoring by the judges.

Finals-Upon finishing up the speech competition, various awards will be announced after the scoring is carried out by the judges, with the scores comparing competitors’ Chinese language speaking abilities, expressiveness, the core message behind their stories, and how their stories promote exchanges between different civilizations.

To take part in the contest, please scan the QR code and complete the questionnaire.

CPAFFC reserves all rights for final explanation.

21. Who decide the winners to move onto the finals?

A. Committee members. B. Online Fans.

C. International judges. D. Non-Chinese citizens.

22. What determine the qualification for the competition?

A. Occupation and gender B. Education and age.

C. Native language and nationality. D. The stories selected

23. What can we learn about the finals?

A. The finals will be held offline. B. Fluency will be weighed most by judges.

C. The scores will be given by the audience. D. People can attend by scanning the QR code.


During the 1930s, the Great War broke out. A 25-year-old American soldier, probably never thought that his life would change forever when he volunteered to go to France.

One night while the American unit was returning to the base after a bloody fight, Suleyman stumbled(绊倒)into the ground and noticed a bit of movement from the bush. Being stuck between two choices either its enemy or an animal, Suleyman found a five-year-old girl from the bushes shivering(颤抖)with cold and utmost fear. Due to the atrocity of the war, the girl was abandoned by her family and the whole village was killed.

During the war, it was impossible to find the child’s family so Suleyman took this little French girl under his wings and gave her an American name Flora which means like the flower. Soon. Flora became the apple of the eye of everyone living in the army camp.

For one and a half years, Flora and Suleyman became inseparable: however, every fairy tale comes to an end. When the war ended. Suleyman was sent back to USA, while Flora was put in an orphanage(孤儿院)the Normandy School, which was founded by the American government for orphaned French children to have an education.

For years, Suleyman always thought about Flora. When the French National Olympic Team was playing in the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles in 1984, Suleyman gazed through the audience on TV, hoping to catch a glimpse of Flora, but he never could.

At the age of 85, Suleyman attended the 60th anniversary reception of the Great War where Suleyman shared his story with American and French officials. After hearing his story, a French journalist started to investigate the story, and all government files were read in detail. The moment the journalist helped dial the number, in tears. Flora said Suleyman was her hero, and everything came flooding back to her.

24. What does the underlined word "atrocity"in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Cruelty. B. Challenge. C. Range. D. Stress.

25. Why did Suleyman watch 1984 Summer Olympics?

A. Because Flora might be in the French team.

B. Because Suleyman was greatly interested in sports.

C. Because Flora might be watching the event.

D. Because Suleyman wanted to travel to Los Angeles.

26. What can we learn Trom the passage?

A. Flora and Suleyman became attached to each other.

B. Flora was sent to an orphanage called Normandy.

C. Suleyman found some animals in the bush.

D. Suleyman would never see Flora again.

27. Which can serve as the best possible title for the text?

A. A Tough Flower in the War B. The Influence of the War

C. The Lost and Found Love D. The Apple of the Father's Eye



Skeleton is one of the three sliding sports at the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, alongside the luge(单雪橇)and bobsleigh(大雪橇)With only six medals up for grabs, skeleton has the fewest events at the Winter Games-which means competition will be fierce.

The sport of skeleton has its roots in the most popular winter pastime: sleighing. In the mid-19th century. British and American holidaymakers built the first toboggan(平底雪橇)run in Davos in 1882. and thus the sport of sleighing began.

Two years later, in 1884. the famed Cresta Run-a natural ice skeleton racing toboggan track - was built in St.Moritz, Switzerland (the course has hosted the annual Grand National championships since 1885).

In 1892.a new sledge made entirely of steel was introduced. and some claim that its bony appearance gave the sledge and the sport the name 'skeleton'.

Men's skeleton was first introduced on the Olympic program in the 1928 Games in St. Moritz. But due to the sport only being available at the Cresta Run at the time. it fell into obscurity(默默无闻) while the luge and bobsleigh grew in popularity. However, in 2002,the skeleton was reintroduced as a men's and women's event at the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, and has remained a part of the Olympic program ever since.

While Great Britain has the most medals(nine)in skeleton competition at the Olympics, the top spot belongs to the United states (eight medals)by virtue of having four silvers to Great Britain's one(both nations have three golds, while Britain has five bronze medals. and the United States one).

Great Britain is the only nation to have won a medal every time skeleton has featured at the Olympic Games, and has won at least one medal in each of the five contests of women's skeleton since its introduction.

28. How many events does skeleton have in the Olympics?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Five, D. Six.

29. When did skeleton first appear?

A. In 1882. B. In 1885. C. In 1892. D. In 1928.

30. Why did skeleton fall into obscurity?

A. Because its material steel was rare. B. Because there was only one run for it.

C. Because only men could take part in it. D. Because it was not on the Olympic program.

31. What makes America top Great Britain in skeleton at the Olympics?

A. The number of medals. B. The composition of medals.

C. The virtue of the athletes. D. The times of hosting the Olympics.


Have you ever spent half an hour searching the Internet which, as you find out afterwards, lasted three hours, or opened a book shortly after breakfast and a little while later noticed that the room was getting darker?

Most people can remember experiencing such a state: Your mind wasn't wandering; you were totally focused and concentrated on that activity, to such an exrent that you were not even aware of yourself. Psychologists call these fully absorbing experiences flow states, which were discovered and named by a world-famous psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. His celebrated book Flow; The Psychology of Happiness became an instant best-seller, making its way to the top self-help classics.

The state of flow happens under very specific conditions-when we encounter a challenge that is testing for our skills, and yet our skills and capacities are such that it is just about possible to meet this challenge. So both the challenge and the skills are at high levels, stretching us almost to the limit. If challenges exceed skills, one can become anxious. If skills exceed challenges, we usually become bored. Neither of these two cases result in flow.

What is also interesting in flow is the almost total absence of emotions during the actual process. One seems to be almost beyond experiencing emotions, most likely because the awareness of self is not present. Mihaly himself is also very much aware of the potential negative impact of the flow. One philosopher once describes his own experience of flow:"When I get totally involved in the conversation. I am not aware of myself, the world around or the passage of time. Sometimes, I may become addictive to that existence, unwilling to cope with other daily routines of life, like forgetting dinner, and saying goodbye to my children."

32. What is the purpose of Paragraph 1?

A. To offer a general background of the topic. B. To make an overall outline for the passage.

C. To introduce the topic of the passage D. To clarify the definition of the topic.

33. In which of the following experience can we enter "flow state"?

A. Adopting a dog. B. Watching TV.

C. Playing the chess. D. Arguing with others.

34. What can we infer from the third paragraph?

A. The state of flow is little conditional.

B. Genius at normal schools often gets bored.

C. Challenges at high levels push us to the limit,

D. Skills play the most important part in flow.

35. Why does the writer quote the philosopher's words?

A. To show the drawbacks of the flow.

B. To stress the value of self-awareness.

C. To underline the absence of emotions.

D. To indicate the difficulty of enjoying the flow.



As a speaker of 10 languages I know the benefits of speaking more than one language. To start with. we need to dispel(消除)four common misconceptions about language learning.

You have to have a gift for learning languages.

No, you don't.36 In Sweden and Holland most people speak more than one language. They can't just all be gifted at languages. In language learning it is attitude, not aptitude(天赋)that determines success.


Some immigrants to North America never learn to speak more than broken English. Yet we meet people in other countries who speak flawless English. With the Internet, language content is available to anyone with a computer. 38

To learn a language you need formal classroom instruction.

Classrooms may be economical to run and a great place to meet others. They have the weight of history and tradition behind them. Unfortunately, a classroom is an inefficient place to learn a language.39A majority of school kids graduate unable to communicate in languages that they study for 10 or more years.

I would love to learn but I don't have the time.

How about the time you spend waiting in line or going for a walk? Why not use that time to listen to a language on your iPad? Once you get started, even 10 or 15 minutes a day will soon grow to 30 minutes a day, or one hour. 40 As I do, you will find the time.

A. That's my experience.

B. Anyone who wants to ,can learn.

C. Where you live is not a problem.

D. You need to speak in order to learn.

E. You have to live where the language is spoken.

F. The more students in the class, the more inefficient it is.

G. We simply have to change the way we go about teaching languages.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节满分30分)第一节(共15小题:每小题1分满分15分)


My family moved into our home nine years ago. We live on a corner, and the entire side of the yard is enclosed by a 41 built rock wall. The front of the house though is another 42 because instead of a wall along the sidewalk, the rocks appear to be just 43 up onto the dirt.

We did the best we could and called this area our 'rock garden'. Whenever we had leftover flowers or plants. I would 44 them out front, just to bring some 45 to the area.

Last summer I reached the end of the rock garden and found a tiny little plant that I could not immediately 46,we didn't plant it. We decided to let it 47 growing until we could 48 what it was.

Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the_49 plant, it appeared to be a sunflower. It was skinny. I decided to 50 it along and weed around it. As I pulled rocks to get to the weeds,I noticed something 51 .The sunflower had not started where I saw it 52 .It actually had begun under a big rock and grown under and around it to 53 the sun.

That's when I realized that we should stand tall like the sunflower and the environment will begin to54 us. We will find a way to go under or around our big 55 in order to reach our desires.

41. A.professionally B.randomly C.simply D.terribly

42. A.wall B. story C.side D. yard

43. A.built B.used C.thrown D.made

44. A.select B.cut C. stick D. pick

45. A.dirt B.color C.flowers D.plants

46. A.clarify B.identify C.account D.observe

47. A.continue B,avoid C. escape D. start

48. A.take down B. come across C. refer to D. figure out

49. A.charming B.wonderful C.ugly D.mysterious

50. A.dream B.wait C.baby D.explore

51. A.unusual B.important C.common D.disturbing

52. A.begin B.stop C.shoot D. expand

53. A.shade B.stand C.steal D. reach

54. A.shelter B.choose C.warn D.support

55 .A.failures B.advantages C.problems D,situations



I'm not Chinese, but I love Chinese New Year There are many fun New Year 56 (celebrate), but nothing quite matches the excitement of the lion dance which can wake up the spirit 57(complete).

The sound of the drums,58 you can feel throughout your entire body, is quite inspiring. The two performers are very flexible. But it is actually very difficult as the lion head is very heavy and being the 59 (low) part of the lion is tiring as he has to bend his back and also carry 60 person in front sometimes. The lion head is made with paper over a bamboo frame,61 (cover)in gauze(纱布),and decorated with beautifully-colored materials.

The lion dance 62 (believe) to have first appeared in the Qianlong Emperor's dream during his Southern tour. and he ordered an animal 63 (make)in the likeness of his description and used in festivals from then on.

I love all about the lion dance. The other day, I saw a film about a left-behind teenager who insisted on pursuing his dreams despite difficulties and64 (succeed) in lion dance. As Master Xu translates:"Heaven has made us talents; we're not made 65vain."









Dear Joe,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



Be yourself and always follow your heart. Never let anyone change who you are. This is the lesson I have learned from my childhood experience when l figured out I wasn't invited to the party, Bridget's party.

One morning, I got off the bus and saw my friends except me hugging under the tree where we used to stand. The circle seemed tighter as I approached; the white invitation cards being hastily stuffed into backpacks gave it away. I knew as well as the entire universe that Bridget's party was this weekend. Bridget was the most popular girl in our class. She was thin and beautiful, always wearing fabulous clothes and fine makeup.

Why hadn't she invited me? My feet were too big? No, Maybe, My face was broken out? Why did she invite every person in my group except me? I tried to think of any interactions I'd had with Bridget recently. A few days earlier, we'd been partners during a sixth period project. I was determined to get the project done and she was absorbed in looking at fashion magazines, She barely spoke to me except to say.“You're so serious. You know, you should smile more."

Soon, I had overheard all the details about the party. They were going swimming. It was a sleepover, They were renting scary movies and were going to stay up all night. Each time someone mentioned the party, I smiled weakly and nodded, with my stomach in knots.

When having my favorite English class, I found myself just unable to concentrate on the short stories we were supposed to be reading in class. Maybe she didn't invite me because of my coat. It is pretty ugly compared to some of the other girls’coats. I should have bought another color. Maybe I should smile more but I just can't get into smiling at people unless I know them really well. But I just couldn't pretend to be the person I wasn't. I felt sick.




At lunch, my friend Kate who had been invited came over to me, trying to show off.

I was about to let it go when Bridget invited me as a substitute for a girl who couldn't come.




21-23 BCA 24-27 ACAC

28-31 ACBB 32-35 CCBA


36-40 BECFA

第三部分 语言运用第一节

41-45 ABCCB 46-50 BADDC 51-55 AADDC


56. celebrations 57.completely 58.which 59.lower 60.the 61.covered 62.is believed 63.to be made 64.succeeded 65.in


Dear Joe,

I'm so sad to know that a heavy flood struck your hometown the other day. I'm writing to offer my genuine concern and sincere backup.

I know that your hometown has been badly destroyed and you are physically hurt and mentally affected as well. I do feel bad about this and I hope you can get recovered soon. Meanwhile, never lose heart and don't forget I am by your side though I can not fly there to fight against the disaster alongside you. l have been raising money and collecting useful items for you, which will be sent to you as soon as possible.

Wish you all the best. And feel free to contact me if you need any more help.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


At lunch, my friend Kate who had been invited came over to me, trying to show off. She said with pride,"Bridget's party will definitely be awesome!” I didn't look at Kate, because if I saw any pity in her eyes, I'd start crying so I pretended to look for something seemingly important in my backpack until she left. I hated Bridget, for she had made my life miserable. Why did I have to change myself to please her? As I changed classes, I averted my eyes from everyone I knew. I determined that I wouldn't pretend to be the one l wasn't.

I was about to let it go when Bridget invited me as a substitute for a girl who couldn't come. After class, Bridget headed toward my line, weaving through the crowd. I pretended not to notice and looked straight ahead at the blackboard. I felt a hand on my arm. Bridget held out an invitation." will you come to my party?" I looked at the small envelope, relishing the moments . But my mind was a jumble. Now she wanted me to come to her party, but I was just filling a space."Take it." I thought. "You know you want to go." I hesitated and finally said no. I had already found the pleasure of being myself.
