
Machine and machinery: machine是“机器”的意思,指某台机器,而machinery是“机器”的统称,是个集合名词。你可以说This machine was imported from the UK. 但是不能说This machinery was imported from the UK. 当你说The machinery in this factory is up-to-date. 是说这个厂所有的机器都是最新的,而不是单指某一台。

Weapon and weaponry:weapon是“武器”,指某一种武器,而weaponry是“武器”的统称。这一组的理解思路跟上一组一样。去年的阅兵式,中国展示了先进的武器库,这时,你需要说China showcased her sophisticated weaponry.

Citizen and citizenry:citizen是公民,指某一个公民,而citizenry是“全部公民”。当我们表达某人想安抚公民的情绪时,用soothe the citizenry是准确的,用citizen就不对了。



Image, imagery

Image 和Imagery的中文意思是“意象”,image是单个意象,imagery是多个意象、一组意象。

看这个例子:(出自Robert Frost的诗My November Guest)

“My Sorrow, when she’s here with me,Thinks these dark days of autumn rainAre beautiful as days can be;She loves the bare, the withered tree;She walked the sodden pasture lane.”

诗中, dark days, the bare, withered tree和 sodden pasture 一起构成了一组意象来展示my sorrow

Poem, poetry

二者的意思都是“诗”,区别在于poem是一篇篇具体的诗作,而poetry是集合意义上、抽象意义上的“诗;诗集”。如,This is a love poem. (这是一首爱情诗,即具体一首诗)He is famous for his love poetry. (他以爱情诗出名。即,他写过不止一首爱情诗)

Scene, scenery

A 'scene' is a view in which something happens.A 'scenery' is a landscape, a view of nature. A general appearance of a place

可见,scene虽然也表示“景”,但更多是“场景、情景、场面、现场、镜头”等等,比如说犯罪现场crime scene, 事发现场accident scene,欢乐的场面scene of joy,痛苦的场面distressing scene,爱情戏love scene


