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2、讲书时尽可能多地运用拟声词,调动表情和动作,适合演的场景直接演出来(act out the story using words and phrases from the original text)。对于小童来说,越直观越好。语言是苍白的,表情和动作才是不二法宝。




太抽象?下面结合群群3岁时常读的这本消防车题材绘本Fire Engine is Flashing详细展开。


第1页原文:The sun rises over the fire station. Fire Engine waits behind the big red doors.


遇到名词必定边读边指,读the sun时手指着太阳,读rises over时手指向上比划,读big red doors时三扇门都要点到。

群群每次读到这一页都会指着中间那扇门说but this door is open. 我会顺着她的兴趣接下去:Well spotted! The middle door is open and Fire Engine is all ready to zoom out to the rescue! (用zoom out是因为后文里用的这个表达)

第2页原文:It is very quiet. Upstairs, the crew are sleeping.


遇到名词必定边读边指,读crew时三个消防员都指到。Crew这个词比较抽象,我一般这样操作:The crew are sleeping upstairs. Who? Who are sleeping? All the firefighters are sleeping! The crew are sleeping. 这样解释娃一下子就明白了。

群群觉得消防员在消防队里睡觉很稀奇,问“他们怎么不在家里睡觉啊?”娃有问题是好事,此时一定要顺着她的思路进行讨论。魏坤琳老师推崇反事实提问法,这里很适合:What if there is a fire and they are all sleeping in their own homes? Will they be able to rescue people in time? 等等。

Only Fox keeps one eye open一句,每次读到这里群群无一例外会兴奋地学fox睁只眼闭只眼,由着她!

The fire alarm starts ringing. Fox leaps out of bed!一句,拟声词上场!叮铃铃!叮铃铃!叮铃铃!Fox leaps out of bed这句读完后我会用手指在书上弹跳,并说Fox jumps really high out of bed. He leaps! 用群群熟悉的词解释生词,再重复。

第3页原文:Firefighters rush to pull on boots and buckle up coats. Fox is first to slide down the pole.


遇到名词必定边读边指,这里的boots, coats, Fox, pole。

读rush时语速要快,加拟声词biu。读pull on boots时模仿穿鞋状,读buckle up coats时模仿穿衣状。另外,我会添加解释一句They are not putting on common boots and coats. They must wear special fire boots and fire coats to keep them safe in the fire. 群群一听special就懂了。

最后,我会问群群为什么Fox is the first to slide down the pole,引导她跟前文的Fox keeps one eye open联系,教她基本的读书方法,即要前后联系。

Fox is first to slide down the pole 这句总会让群群很兴奋,她会联想到自己玩滑梯以及其他绘本里出现的slide down the pole场景,比如curious George,我会强调这种联想:Do you remember that when curious George visits the fire station, he slides down the pole too, just like what Fox does here, right? 相似场景联想很有用。

第4页原文:Fire Engine is ready to go! Hurry hurry! Fox grabs his helmet and climbs into the driver's cab.


遇到名词必定边读边指,这里的helmet和driver's cab.

还是强调前后联系,第一页Fire Engine waits behind the big red doors就说明Fire Engine is all ready to go了,而且群群自己发现中间那扇门是开着的,这样读印象会很深。

关于特殊词汇,比如这里的driver's cab,平时在路上遇到各种工程车我会提醒她Do you see the driver's cab? 她很喜欢观察工程车的驾驶室,老问我司机怎么不在,是不是回家吃饭了。

第5页原文:Fox flicks switches and pulls levers. Fire Engine's motor starts to rumble and shake.


遇到名词必定边读边指,这里的switch, lever。

switch在这里是名词,所以我会问她Do you see the switch? 由于flick这个词强调quickly,所以我会用她理解的语言去解释When Fox flicks switches, he turns it on fast, real quick, because it's an emergency, right? 这样她自然而然知道flick这个词是switch quickly in order to turn a machine on or off的意思。

Rumble她知道有肚子叫的意思,我也会在这里带一句:The fire engine makes the rumbling sound because the motor is on. If your tummy makes a rumbling sound, what does it tell you? 群群会说I need to eat!!!

第6页原文:The fire station doors spring open. Lights shine bright.


遇到名词必定边读边指,这里的door, lights。

spring这个词很生动,我会像弹簧一样模仿门弹开的样子,加上拟声词boing boing boing效果很好。然后也会跟她说"这个spring是弹簧那个弹开的意思,不是春天哈,虽然是同一个词"。有次她还说“不是春天那个spring,也不是泉水那个spring”,我还蛮意外的。

第7页原文:Fire Engine races through the streets. Sirens wail. Red lights flash. The Commander speaks to Fox on the radio. There's a fire blazing in an apartment block!


遇到名词必定边读边指,street, siren, red lights, the commander。

关键词是race,语速一定要快,制造紧张气氛。平时经常和她玩race you拼速度的游戏,所以她对race这个词的含义很熟悉。这里我会稍微拓展解释一下:Fire Engine is having a race with the fire! It needs to get ahead of the fire to rescue all the people! Fire Engine needs to win the race!

wail和flash都是很生动的词,平时在路上遇到消防车、救护车、警车我都会用这两个词跟她交谈:Do you hear any vehicles wailing? Oh look! An ambulance!

Apartment block也是一个需要解释的词,不过很简单,就告诉她We live in an apartment block. It's a builiding full of rooms for people to live.

第8页原文:Fire Engine screeches to a stop outside the apartment block. Flames lick the building and smoke billows out. Fox quickly unrolls Fire Engine's hose.


遇到名词必定边读边指,这里的apartment block, building, smoke, hose.

screech to a stop是个很生动的表达,screech就是紧急刹车时轮胎摩擦地面发出的刺耳声音。这种生动的表达我平时一定会在娃爹紧急刹车时用到,久而久之群群也会条件发射的把紧急刹车和这个表达联系在一起,冒出一句Did our car just screech to a stop?

Flame这种词我会和群群在其他故事里读过的吐火恶龙联系在一起。我会说:Flames lick the building as if a nasty dragon is breathing flames!

只要娃对情节有反应,我基本都从吸引她注意的那个点出发,把原文里最直观的那句再念一遍。群群有时会指着这一页说Look! The house is on fire! 我会趁机“纠正”:That's right! The apartment block is on fire! There's a fire blazing in an apartment block!(本句出现在前页)

第9页原文:Fox finds a hydrant and connects up the hose. Whooooosh! A jet of water hits the flames. The Commander's car pulls up. He points to the top floor. Somebody is stuck inside!


遇到名词必定边读边指,这里的hyrant, hose, a jet of water, the commander's car, top floor.

读到hyrant一句时我会让她回忆平时在哪里见过hyrant,哪里见过fire extinguisher,引出“灭火需要的水从哪里来”以及为何要find a hyrant and connect up the hose这个问题。群群平时在路上特别留意窨井盖,也喜欢看工人修路,对地下都有什么东西十分好奇,这些都是很好的生活体验,对于理解how hyrants work很有帮助。

hose的话我会和小区里的garden hose联系起来,告诉她Both garden hoses and fire hoses need to be long enough to reach.

A jet of water群群自己跟Peppa Pig里看牙医那一集的出现的water jet联系起来,这说明娃在不同场景中输入的英文终有一天会在脑海里碰撞,擦出火花,也说明娃对词汇还是很敏感的。

第10页原文:The crew unfold Fire Engine's ladder. There's not a second to lose! Fox puts on his mask and air-tank. The smoke will make it hard to breathe.


遇到名词必定边读边指,这里的crew, ladder, mask, air-tank.

再次crew是一个很好的回顾机会,我会说All the fire fighters work together to unfold the fire ladder so they can reach the people as quickly as possible. There's not a second to lose!

每次读到这里群群总会“纠正”我:“不是There's not a second to lose,是there's not a second to waste"。由着她吧!

关于为啥要戴mask和air tank,我会引导她回忆读过的人体科普书,联系呼吸的重要性,呼吸器官等等。娃如有兴趣我会展开,没兴趣不会多做停留。

第11页原文:Fox climbs to the top of the ladder. Crackle crackle! It is very hot and there is lots of smoke. The police hold everyone back to keep them safe.


遇到名词必定边读边指,这里的top of the ladder, smoke, the police, everyone。


群群:Stand back, everyone!

我:Oh, no! What's happening?!


第12页原文:A lady waves from the top-floor window. It will be difficult to reach her. Fire Engine needs to move closer.


遇到名词必定边读边指,这里的the lady, top-floor window, Fire engine。


我1:Help help! I am stuck here! I am on the top floor! Break the window and get me out!

我2:It's difficult to reach! I can't reach you!

我1:Move closer!

... ...
