



一:语言 : (大写首字母)



二:蔬菜水果: ( “u”不可数名词,“c” 可数名词)

1. 蔬菜(c) _______________

2. 萝卜(c) ________________

3. 西红柿(c) _______________

4. 水果(c) _______________

5. 苹果(c) ________________

6. 梨子(c) __________________

7. 柑, 桔(c) ________________

8. 草莓(c) __________________

9. 香蕉(c) ________________

10. 沙拉(u,c)_______________

11. 冰淇淋(u,c) ______________

12. 汉堡包(c) _______________

13. 鸡蛋(c) ________________

14. 鸡肉(u)________________


1. 语文________________

2. 数学_________________

3. 英语_________________

4. 历史_______ _________

5. 体育_________________

6. 音乐_________________

7. 美术_________________


四:月份: (大写首字母)

1. 一月________________

2. 二月_______________

3. 三月________________

4. 四月________________

5. 五月_______________

6. 六月________________

7. 七月_______________

8. 八月_______________

9. 九月________________

10. 十月_______________

11. 十一月____________

12. 十二月______________


1. 星期日_______________

2. 星期一_______________

3. 星期二_______________

4. 星期三_______________

5. 星期四_______________

6. 星期五_______________

7. 星期六_______________

六:代词(动词,介词后用宾格 // 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词 名词)

1. I--me—my --mine

2. you—you--your--yours

3. we—us—our--ours

4. she—her—her--hers

5. he—him-his--his

6. they—them—their--theirs

7. it—it—its--its

七:数词: 基数词:(表电话号码,价格,年龄,个数)

1. one _______

2. two _______

3. three ______

4. four_______

5. five _______

6. six ________

7. seven ______

8. eight_______

9. nine _______

10. ten _______

11. eleven______

12. twelve _______

13. thirteen________

14. fourteen_______

15. fifteen ________

16. sixteen _________

17. seventeen

18.eighteen _______

19. nineteen _______

20. twenty _______

21. twenty-one_______


1. first ________

2. second_______

3. third________

4. fourth_______

5. fifth _______

6. sixth________

7. seventh______

8. eighth _______

9. ninth _______

10. tenth ________

11. eleventh______

12. twelfth ________

13. thirteen_______

14. fourteenth_______

15. fifteenth _______

16. sixteenth ________

17. seventeenth_______

18. eighteenth ________

19. nineteenth ________

20. twentieth _______

21. twenty-first______


1. pen______________

2. pencil_____________

3. pencil box__________

4. ruler___________

5. eraser___________

6. bag____________

7. book_____________

8. dictionary_________

9. notebook__________


1. baseball_____________

2. volleyball___________

3. basketball_______________

4. soccer_______________

5. tennis_______________

6. ping pong_____________


1. grandfather__________

2. grandmother_________

3. grandparent__________

4. father______________

5. dad

6. mother____________

7. mom

8. parent______________

9. uncle _______________

10. aunt______________

11. brother____________

12. sister______________

13. cousin____________

14. daughter___________

15. son_______________


1. trousers_____________

2. sock______________

3. shirt_______________

4. T-shirt_______________

5. shorts_____________

6. sweater_______________

7. shoe_______________

8. skirt_____________

9. hat______________

10. jacket_______________


1. red_______________

2. orange_____________

3. yellow_____________

4. green____________

5. black_____________

6. white_____________

7. blue_______________

8. purple_______________

9. brown_______________


1. good 好的

2. big 大的

3. boring 无聊的

4. busy 忙碌

5. free 空闲的

6. difficult 困难的

7. exciting 兴奋的

8. fun 使人快乐的

9. interesting 有兴趣的

10. long 长的

11.nice 好的

12. small 小的

13. tidy 整洁的

14.relaxing 令人轻松的

15.great 美妙的,大的


1. two--too--to

2. aren’t--aunt

3. four—for

4. buy--bye

5. our--hour

6. know—no

7. pair--pear

8. there---their


1. family name—last name

2. mom—mother

3. dad—father

4. parent (s)—father or (and) mother

5. phone—telephone

6. like— love

7. picture--photo

十六 :反义词

1. black—white

2. interesting—boring


4. go—come


6. busy—free

7. big—small


9. difficult--easy


1. an apple_____________

2. an Art Festival

3. an aunt___________

4. an egg___________

5. an e-mail address

6. an English…_______

7. an eraser__________

8.an evening party

9. an exciting …

10. an hour__________

11. an ice cream

12. an ID card____________

13. an interesting book

14. an old …

15. an orange____________

16. an uncle_____________


1. Green 格林

2. Miller 米勒

3. Smith 史密斯

4. Brown 布朗



1. Alice 爱丽丝

2. Anna安娜

3. Cindy辛迪

4. Grace格蕾丝


6.Gina 吉娜

7. Jenny 詹尼

8. Mary 玛丽

9.Linda 琳达

10. Jane 简

11. Sally 萨利

12. Kate 凯特


1. Bob 鲍勃

2. Dale 戴尔

3. Eric 埃里克


5. Alan 艾伦

6. Tom 汤姆

7. Mike 迈克

8.Jack 杰克

9. Paul 保罗

10.John 约翰

11.David 大卫

12. Bill比尔


1. what (名字,电话号码,事物,动词等)

2. what color( 颜色)

3. who (人)

4. where (地点)

5. when (什么时候)

6. why(原因)

7. how (身体状况,方式)

8. how much (价格,不可数名词的量)

9. how old (年龄)


1. in

2. on

3. at

4. for

5. with

6. about

7. from

8. under

9. after

10. before


1. health(n)—healthy(adj)

2. sell(v)-sale (n)



1. name’s=name is

2. I’m =I am

3. what’s=what is

4. it’s= it is

5. that’s=that is

6. isn’t=is not

7. aren’t=are not

8. he’s=he is

9. she’s=she is

10. where’s=where is

11. don’t=do not

12. they’re=they are

13. doesn’t= does not

14. let’s= let us

15. you’re=you are

16. can’t= can not

二十五: 三餐名词

1. breakfast早餐

2. lunch午餐

3. dinner晚餐

二十六:动词 (参见动词一览表)


原形 含义 接介词或副词 三单现

be 是 is

(spell) 拼写 ~s

meet 遇见 ~s

look 看 at ~s

call 打电话 ~s

know 知道 ~s

take 拿走 ~s

can 能/会 ~

must 必须 ~

need* 需要 ~s

have 有、吃、 饮 has

do 做 ~es

let* 让 ~s

play 玩with ~s

sound 听起来like ~s

watch*观看 ~es

like*喜欢 ~s

eat 吃~s

help* 帮助 with ~s

want* 想 ~s

buy 买for/from ~s

see*看见 ~s

sell卖to ~s

go 去 to ~es

think 认为 of/about ~s

find 发现 out ~s

finish 完成,做好 ~es

get 得到 up / to ~s

want* 想 ~s

love* 爱 ~s

三单现:①一般情况在末尾加 -s,②以 s , x ,o ,ch ,sh等结尾的加-es.③以辅音字母+y 结尾的词,变y 为i 再加-es.


表示名词复数,在中文显得很简单,如:一个苹果(an apple)、二个苹果(two apples)名词完全相同。英文名词的复数表示法就复杂得多,往往让初学者感到混淆。


maps, cups, rulers, pens, oranges, jackets, keys, names, friends, sisters, brothers, parents ,aunts , uncles, sons, daughters ,girls ,dogs , pictures, pencils ,books ,erasers ,boxes, schoolbags , dictionaries, watches, games, notebooks ,rings, bags , chairs, tables ,beds, hats , photos, clocks, ,cards , thanks ,baseballs ,volleyballs , baseballs ,plants things ,desks , balls , bats ,days ,bananas ,hamburgers, strawberries ,pears, eggs, apples, carrots, fruits , vegetables , runners , pants , socks , shirts ,shorts ,sweaters , shoes ,clothes 等等

2、如果名词是以sh , ch , s或x结尾的话,那就要在单数的后面加上es

watches , classes, buses ,

3、若名词结尾是一个除了a, e ,i ,o ,u之外的字母加一个y,那就要将y换成i,再加上es。

family--families dictionary --dictionaries ,strawberries,

4、可是,如果名词结尾是一个a ,e ,i ,o ,u加一个y,那只要在单数词后加一个s就成了

keys, boys ,

5、结尾是o的单数词,一部份只加s就成复数词,但有的却需加es .

tomato--tomatoes photo--photos   piano--pianos 


clothes 衣服 shorts 短裤 trousers 裤子 socks 袜子 shoes 鞋子


1. 名词复数由单数形式变来。可数名词不用复数则用单数,单数前面有a, 或an, 除非可数名词前有the ,this, that ,my, your ,her, his, its ,our, their .

2. 不可数名词不用a, an 也无复数。

3. 人名,地名,国名,语言,学科不用a , an .

