

1.diploma [di'pləumə]

n. 毕业文凭,学位证书



2.explode [ik'spləud]

v. (使)爆炸,(使)爆发

3.exploit ['eksplɔit, ik's-]

v. 开拓;开发;剥削 n. 功绩[勋];业绩


While traditional “paid” media - such as television commercials and print advertisements -still play a major role, companies today can exploit many alternative forms of media. (2011考研英语阅读Test3)


4.explore [ik'splɔ:]

v. 勘探,探测;探究,探索


He explores such problems consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting appropriate action.(2006翻译)

参考译文: 他有意识去清晰、如实地探究这些问题,先问事实性问题,再问道德问题,最后提出合理的行动建议。

5.explosion [ik'spləuʒən]

n. 爆炸,爆发


Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements. (2000翻译)


6.explosive [ik'spləusiv]

a. 爆炸(性)的,爆发(性)的 n. 爆炸物,炸药


This is an explosive situation for any industry, particularly a declining one.(2007考研英语阅读Test3)


7.employ [im'plɔi]

n./v. 雇用;用,使用




Employ hi-tech means in research. (2003考研英语阅读Test2选项)


8.employee [,emplɔi'i:, em'plɔii:]

n. 雇工,雇员


Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money.(2003 考研英语阅读Text 3)

参考译文: 钢铁工人、航空公司员工,以及汽车行业的从业人员,都加入了数以百万计的家庭的行列,他们必须担心利率、股市波动,以及他们可能会比他们的退休金更长寿的严酷现实。

9.employer [im'plɔiə]

n. 雇主


“I struck gold,” says Redmon, who E-mailed his resume to the employer and won a position as in-house counsel for a company.(2004考研英语阅读Test1)

参考译文: Redmon 说:“我挖到金子了。” 他用电子邮件将简历发送给雇主,随后成功谋到了某公司内部法务顾问的职位。

10.employment [im'plɔimənt]

n. 雇用;使用;工作,职业


“A lateral move” means stepping out of full-time employment. (2001考研英语阅读Test5选项)


11.unemployment [,ʌnim'plɔimənt]

n. 失业,失业人数


joblessness jobless rate


are deprived of unemployment or disability insurance.(2007阅读3选项)


unexpected [,ʌnik'spektid]

a. 想不到的,意外的,未预料到


sudden surprising


The theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of certain looks, brands, or neighborhoods.(2010阅读3)

