Pick up这个词短语,我们在中学时期就学过了,了解到的意思主要是拾起,捡起,习得,(开车)接某人。但是实际运用中,pick up的用法远远不止这3种,这个词掌握了用起来非常方便且地道,下面来盘点下pick up的用法吧。

  1. to go somewhere in your car and collect sb who is waiting for you. (开车)接人,作为这个意思的时候同义词是collect.

e.g:I'll pick you up at five.我5点钟来接你。

扩充:在国外的旅游的时候,旅游公司一般都会有指定的接送点(designated pick up location),你的voucher(凭证)上一般会有类似的信息:You will be picked up at 4 Fountain Square, 123-151 Buckingham Palace Road, London, UK or the tour will depart from 4 Fountain Square, 123-151 Buckingham Palace Road, London, UK.


  1. to start again, to continue重新开始,继续

e.g. Let's pick up where we left off yesterday.咱们从昨天停下的地方继续吧。

  1. to put things away and make things neat, especially for sb else. (为某人)收拾,整理

e.g. AII I seem to do is cook, wash, and pick up after the kids. 烧饭、洗衣、跟在孩子屁股后头收拾东西---好像就是我全部的活儿。

  1. allow sb to get into your vehicle and take them somewhere. 让人乘车;搭载

e.g. The bus picks up passengers outside the airport. 公共汽车在机场外接乘客。

  1. to rescue sb from the sea or from a dangerous place, especially one that is difficult to reach.(从海里或者危险处) 营救、搭救。

e.g. A lifeboat picked up survivors. 救生艇把幸存者救起来。

  1. (informal, often disapproving)to start talking to sb you do not know because you want to have a sexual relationship with them. (猥亵地与生人)搭讪,勾搭。

e.g. He had picked her up ata nightclub.他是在一家夜总会勾搭上她的。

扩展:pickup line搭讪词:What's your pickup line? 你跟异性搭讪的时候用的最好的第一句话是什么?



  1. to get better, stronger, etc, to improve. 改善,好转,增强。

e.g. The rain is picking up雨下得越来越大了。(增强之意)

相反,雨变小了是这样说的:The rain is letting up.

Sales have picked up 14% this year. 今年销售额增长了14%。

My sinus 【ˈsaɪnəs】 is picking up.我的鼻炎在好转。

  1. (informal, of the police) to arrest sb. 逮捕,抓捕

e.g He was picked up by the police and taken to the station for questioning. 警察把他抓到警察局问话去了。

The police picked the suspect up in a motel.警方在一家汽车旅馆抓到了疑犯。

  1. to make sb feel better. 使某人觉得舒服,提神

e.g. Thank you for your coffee, just a little pick-up I need. 谢谢你的咖啡,这正是我需要的一点点提神的东西。(pick-up提神的东西)

Try this, it will pick you up. 尝尝这个,能让你提神的。

扩展:pick-me-up: n.提神物品,兴奋剂(尤指药物或酒精饮料);

When you crave a pick-me-up, don't reach for chocolate or coffee — try peppermint oil instead.


  1. to take hold of sb/sth and lift them/it up. 拿起;举起;提起

e.g. She went over to the crying baby and pick her up. 她走到啼哭的孩子身边,把她抱了起来。

He picked up the phone and dialled the number. 他拿起电话,拨打号码。

  1. to receive an electronic signal, sound or picture接收(信号,声音,图像等)

e.g. My cell can't pick up the signal in the garage[ɡəˈrɑːʒ]. 我的手机在车库里接收不到信号。

  1. to get information or a skill by chance rather than by making a deliberate effort(偶然)得到,听到,学会。

e.g. to pick up bad habbits染上坏习惯

Here's a tip I picked up from my mother. 告诉你一个窍门,是我从我妈妈那里学来的。

She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico. 她旅居墨西哥时顺便学会了西班牙语。

  1. to identify or recignize sth 辨认;识别出

Scientists can now pick up early signs of the diseases. 现在科学家们已经能辨别这种病的早期症状。

  1. to collect sth from a place 取回,收集

e.g. I picked up my coat from the cleaners. 我从干洗店取回了外衣。

  1. to buy sth, espcially cheaply or by chance. (碰巧或廉价)买到

Would you pick up some milk on your way home from work?


I picked up this tool at the hardware store.我是在五金店弄到这工具的。

  1. to get or obtain sth 感染,得,得到

I seem to have picked up a terrible cold from somewhere. 我似乎从什么地方染上了重感冒。

I picked up 30$ in tips today. 我今天得到了30美元的小费。

  1. to find or follow a route 找到,跟踪,追寻

e.g. to pick up the scent/trail of an animal. 追寻动物的臭迹/踪迹

We can pick up the motorway in a few miles. 经过几英里之后我们就能上高速。(英国称高速路为motorway.)

  1. to return to an earlier subject or situation in order to continue it.回到(本题),恢复原状。

e.g. He picks up this theme again in later chapters of the book. 在该书的后几章,他又重回到了这个主题。

  1. to notice sth that is not very obvious, to see sth that you are looking for. 察觉,发现,注意到

e.g.I picked up the faint sound of a car in the distance. 我听到远处传来微弱的汽车声。

  1. to notice sth and perhaps react to it. 领会,意会,意识到

She failed to pick up on the humour in his remark. 她没有领会到他话中的幽默。

  1. to pay the cost of sth 付款,付账

e.g. I picked up the check last night(=feet the bill)昨晚我付的账。(foot the bill付账)

看到以上用法,是不是觉得pick up太难了,这么多用法且都挺常用和实用,或许还有更多其他用法,语言是不断发展变化的,不过不需要很快记住所有用法,用自己速度来学习,语言学习没有速学的方法,靠的是不断积累。这篇pick up用法总结就到这里吧,搬砖去啦。
