
(1)exempt是从一开始就免除义务和责任,也就是说被免除的义务或责任就享受到该权利的人而言,一开始就是不用履行的;(英文释义:free from a duty or liability) 而

(2)release则是指某项权利义务起初是存在的,也是需要履行的,但后来因为某种原因,而免除履行(英文释义:Liberation from an obligation, duty or demand)。

1 exempt

The company is exempt from the payment of all taxes. 该公司获得了纳税义务的豁免权。(该公司既没有被要求纳税)

相关搭配:exemption from military service免于服兵役

exemption from arrest逮捕豁免

2 release

The debtor has been released and discharged from his liability. 债务人被免于履行其义务。(该义务并不是一开始就不存在)

相关搭配:release of debt 免除债务

release of claim 放弃诉讼

