


1. His lawyer advised him to ___ the matter.他的律师建议他别再追究这件事。

2. It’s a ___ to have the matter settled.能使这个问题得到解决令人感到宽慰。

3. Police are treating the matter as a murder ___.警方把这件事作为凶杀案进行调查。

4. He left, saying he had pressing matters to ___ to.他走了,说有些紧急事情要去处理。

5. The question of his innocence is a ___ matter for this court.他是否清白是本庭所要解决的关键问题。

6. I wasn’t sure how to ___ the delicate matter of pay.我不知该如何处理薪水这个微妙的问题。

7. It is then a ___ matter to print off the data you have collected.那么只要把你收集的数据打印出来就行了。

8. It is ___ simple matter starting a new business.开一家新公司绝非那么简单。

9. They’ve agreed in theory, but now we need to discuss ___ matters.他们在理论上是同意了,但是现在我们需要讨论实际问题。

10. His articles deal with a wide range of subjects ___.他的文章涉及的论题很广。

11. The rest of the meeting was ___ up by routine matters.会议剩下的内容就是一些例行程序了。

12. I don’t mind lizards, but ___ are a different matter.我不怕蜥蜴,可蛇就不同了。

13. I thought I’d better ___ the matter with my boss.我想我最好还是跟老板说一下这事。

14. The matter will be ___ at our next meeting.这个问题将在我们下次会议上提出来。

15. I don’t really want to ___ into this matter now.我现在本不想谈这个问题。

16. After legal advice I ___ to take the matter further.找律师咨询后我决定要进一步探究这个问题。

17. There are more important matters we ___ to discuss.我们有更重要的事情需要讨论。

18. The legal arrangements for the sale are a matter for ___.这笔买卖在法律上的安排需要经过谈判商定。

19. Maybe some of these suggestions will ___ to improve matters.也许这其中的有些建议会让情况好起来。

20. Matters can be more easily ___ out once you get to the resort.你到了度假胜地之后,事情就好办了。

21. His long ___ didn’t help matters.他长期缺席使事情变得更糟了。

22. The team has lost the last two games and, to make matters ___, two of the best players are injured.球队输了最近的两场比赛,雪上加霜是,两名最优秀的队员受伤了。

23. To complicate matters further, the law on this issue has been ___.使情况更复杂的是,关于这个问题的法律也改变了。

24. Are there any matters ___?有什么续议事项吗?

25. This phenomenon deals with ___ of matter.这种现象与物质的微粒有关。

26. ‘Have you had many visitors yet?’ ‘No, as a matter of a ___ you’re the first.’“到了很多客人吗?”“没有,事实上你是第一个。”

27. I knew him when we were in college – as a matter of fact we were ___ the same course.我们在大学时我就认识他 – 事实上我们一起上过课。

28. What’s the matter? You look as though you’ve been ___.怎么啦?你看上去好像哭过。

29. ‘Is ___ the matter?’ ‘Just a headache – I’ll be fine in a minute.’“怎么啦?”“只是头疼 – 一会儿就好了。”

30. You look worried. Is there ___ the matter?你看上去有心事,出什么事了吗?


31. What’s the matter ___ Bill?比尔怎么了?

32. What’s the matter with your eye? It looks ___.你眼睛怎么了?看上去红红的。

33. I know something’s the matter. You’re ___ of something.我知道有点问题,你在害怕什么事情。

34. ___ the matter, honestly, I’m fine.没事,真的,我很好。

35. There was nothing the ___ with it when I lent it to him.我把它借给他时还好好的。

36. She had something the matter ___ her back.她的后背有点毛病。

37. The truth of the matter is that we don’t know exactly how the disease is ___.实际情况是,我们不了解这种疾病究竟是怎么传播的。

38. Ben never touched beer, or any kind of alcohol for that ___.本从来不碰啤酒,也不喝其他什么酒。

39. He’s an artist who has never been as well-known here, or for that matter as ___-respected, as he has been in the USA.作为一名艺术家,他在这里从未像他在美国那样出名,也不像在美国那样受人尊敬。

40. She didn’t mind seeing him in a group but an ___ dinner in a restaurant was another matter altogether.大家一起见见他,她并不介意,但是在饭店里亲密进餐就另当别论了。

41. Local people took matters into their own ___ and hired their own security guards.当地人自己动手解决问题,雇用了他们自己的保安人员。

42. It can only be a matter of ___ before someone is seriously injured.有人受重伤只是时间早晚的问题。

43. The quality of the ambulance service is a matter of life and ___.救护车服务的质量是关乎生死的问题。

44. Can’t it ___? It’s a hardly a matter of life or death, is it?就不能等等吗?这又不是生死攸关的事,对吧?

45. Whether or not he is any good as a manager is a matter of ___.他是不是个好经理,这是个看法问题。

46. I can’t say which wine is best – it’s a matter of personal ___.我无法说那酒就最好 – 这是个人口味的问题。

47. She couldn’t take the money. It was a matter of ___.她不能拿这笔钱,这是原则问题。

48. Reducing the number of road deaths is not simply a matter of improving ___.减少交通事故的死亡数字不单是改善道路状况的问题。

49. The ambulance arrived in a ___ of minutes.救护车几分钟就到了。

50. The bullet ___ his head by a matter of inches.子弹就差几英寸就集中他的头部。

51. He invited her as a matter of ___.出于礼貌,他邀请了她。

52. As a matter of fairness, he should be allowed to give his ___ of events.为了公正起见,应该让他也来说说事情的原委。

53. Just a matter of ___, which school did you go to?我只是随便问问,你上的是哪所学校?

54. That procedure should be ___ as a matter of urgency.那个程序应当简化,这是当务之急。

55. We will contact your former employer as a matter of ___.我们将按常规和你以前的雇主联系。

56. Feeding a baby is a ___ job no matter how careful you are.给婴儿喂食,无论你怎么仔细,还是会弄得乱糟糟的。

57. I’m determined to visit Japan no matter what ___ costs.无论花多少钱,我坚决要去日本去看看。

58. He visited her every day no matter the ___.无论天气如何,他每天都去看她。

59. I’ll call you tonight, no matter ___.我今晚无论如何都会给你打电话。

60. ‘I’m afraid I forgot to bring a towel.’ ‘___ matter, I’ve got one you can borrow.’“不好意思,我忘记带毛巾了。”“不要紧,我有一条可以借给你用。”


61. It’s a matter of fact that the team have not ___ as well this season.这个赛季球队表现不好,这是事实。

62. He seemed ___ by the small matter of the war that was in progress.战争还在进行,可他好像对这种小事毫不担心。

63. There’s the ___ matter of tonight’s game if we are to reach the finals.我们若要进入决赛,还有今晚这场小小的比赛。

64. I would always be an ___ here – no matter that I spoke fluent Spanish.我在这里是一个外人 – 即便我的西班牙语说得很流利。

65. As well as textbooks and other printed matter, courses may include all kinds of ___.除了教科书和其他印刷品,课程中还可能会使用各种多媒体。

66. It is a very serious matter to ___ the police.误导警方是很严重的事。

67. I was surprised that this ___ matter was decided so quickly.我感到吃惊,这件重要的事竟然这么快就决定了。

68. Walking out over such a small matter may seem ___.为这么件小事就退席也许显得挺可笑。

69. ___ together the bookcases is a fairly simple matter.组装书柜是件很容易的事。

70. We never spoke about ___ matters.我们从来不谈私事。

71. She refused to discuss the ___.她拒绝讨论此事。

72. If you need further training, ___ the matter with your manager.如果需要进一步培训,请向经理提出。

73. The police said they were ___ the matter.警方称正在调查此事。

74. I was too ___ to let the matter drop.我太好奇了,不能不管这件事。

75. He ___ her on all matters of importance.所有大事他都同她商量。

76. Safety standards in the industry have become a matter of ___.该行业的安全标准已成为大家关注的问题。

77. How to solve the ___ crisis is a matter for debate.如何解决住房危机是大家争论的问题。

78. This is a matter ___ the judge.这是法官的事情。

79. Do not let yourself be ___ from the matter in hand.不要让自己从手头的事情上分心。

80. It’s no ___ matter.这不是开玩笑的事。

81. The ___ of the matter is money.问题的核心是金钱。

82. Will it ___ if I’m a little late?我晚来一会儿不要紧吧?

83. If I have to stay late at work tonight, it won’t matter because we can go out ___ night.如果今晚我必须工作到很晚的话,那也没关系,我们可以改天晚上再出去。

84. It doesn’t matter what you wear, as long as you look neat and ___.穿什么无所谓,只要看上去干净整洁就行。

85. Does it matter ___ I think?我怎么想重要吗?

86. It doesn’t matter that the gun was in fact ___.枪里其实没有子弹,但这并不重要。

87. Do you think it matters that the cups and saucers don’t ___?你觉得茶杯与杯托不相配要紧吗?

88. Just give me $5 – it doesn’t matter ___ the rest.给我五美元就行 – 其余的无所谓。

89. He had lost many of the people who ___ to him.他失去了许多对他很重要的人。

90. It mattered a great deal to her what other people thought ___ her.别人怎么看她对她来说很重要。

91. I don’t think it ___ much what you study.我认为你学什么不是很重要。

92. He picked up a few ___ on issues that really matter.他挑选了一些以重大问题为课题的议题。

93. All that matters is that you’re ___.最要紧的是你的平安无事。

94. Money was the ___ thing that mattered to him.对他来说,钱是唯一重要的东西。

95. I don’t care what it ___ like – what matters is that it works.我不在乎外观 – 要紧的事它要管用。

96. At last she was with the man she loved and ___ else mattered.最终她和她所爱的男人在一起,其他都无关紧要。

97. She said very little during the meal. ___ that it mattered.她吃饭时话很少,那倒无所谓。

98. ‘I’ve ___ some coffee on the carpet.’ ‘It doesn’t matter.’“我把咖啡溅到地毯上了。”“没关系。”

99. ‘Red or white wine?’’Oh, ___. It doesn’t matter.’“红葡萄酒还是白葡萄酒”“噢,都行,无所谓。”

100. It ___ happened so long ago now, what does it matter?这都是很久以前的事了,还有什么关系呢?

101. What does it ___ how old I am?我年纪多大有什么关系?

102. Jan was surprisingly matter-of-fact about her ___.简对待她的离婚出奇地淡然。

103. Use a matter-of-fact ___ when disciplining your children.管教孩子时语气要就事论事。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 drop 2 relief 3 enquiry 4 attend 5 weighty 6 approach 7 simple 8 no 9 practical 10 matter 11 taken 12 snakes 13 broach 14 raise 15 go 16 chose 17 need 18 negotiation 19 help 20 sorted 21 absences 22 worse 23 changed 24 arising 25 particles 26 fact 27 on 28 crying 29 something 30 anything 31 with 32 red 33 frightened 34 Nothing 35 matter 36 with 37 spread 38 matter 39 well 40 intimate 41 heads 42 time 43 death 44 wait 45 opinion 46 taste 47 principle 48 road 49 matter 50 missed 51 courtesy 52 version 53 interest 54 streamlined 55 course 56 messy 57 it 58 weather 59 what 60 No 61 performed 62 unworried 63 small 64 outsider 65 multimedia 66 mislead 67 weighty 68 ridiculous 69 Putting 70 personal 71 matter 72 raise 73 investigating 74 curious 75 consulted 76 concern 77 housing 78 for 79 distracted 80 laughing 81 heart 82 matter 83 another 84 tidy 85 what 86 unloaded 87 match 88 about 89 mattered 90 of 91 matters 92 subjects 93 safe 94 only 95 looks 96 nothing 97 Not 98 spilled 99 either 100 all 101 matter 102 divorce 103 tone
