


1.mouthful是名词,意思是“满口,满嘴,一口”,其复数形式是mouthfuls。比如:I can't manage another mouthful.我是一口也吃不下了。He ate his meal slowly, savouring every mouthful.他细嚼慢咽地吃着饭,一口一口地品味。

a mouthful of的意思是“一口”。比如:She took a mouthful of water.她喝了一大口水。She swallowed a mouthful of the hot strong brew, and wiped her eyes.她咽下一大口热浓茶,然后擦了擦眼睛。


an armful of yellow tulips一抱黄色郁金香

2.armful的意思是“一抱之量;双手合抱量”。常用 的结构是an armful of(一抱……东西)。比如:

He hurried out with an armful of brochures.他抱着一摞小册子匆忙出去了。She came back with an armful of books.她抱着一抱书回来了。She brought in an armful of fresh flowers from the garden.她从花园里抱着一抱鲜花进来。

3.handful用作名词,复试形式是handfuls,意思是“一把;少数,少量; 难以控制的人(或事物)”比如:People don't speak one universal language or even a handful.人们不会说一种甚至几种通用语言。Her children can be a real handful.她的孩子们有时很难管教。

The little boy was a real handful. He was always up to mischief.这个小男孩真是难管教。他总是在搞恶作剧。My little grandson is no trouble at all, but his 6-year-old sister is a handful.我的小孙子一点不用人操心,但他6岁的姐姐却很难管教。

a handful of意思是“少量的,一小撮;一把”。比如:A handful of onlookers stand in the field watching.少数旁观者站在场地里观看。Only a handful of people came.只有少数几个人来了。He surveyed the handful of customers at the bar.他打量着吧台边仅有的几位顾客。


a basket of fruits一篮子水果

4.basketful“满篮;一篮(篓、筐)”。比如:He sent us a basketful of apples yesterday. 昨天他送给我们一篮子的苹果。We picked a basketful of vegetable on Sunday.周日我们采摘了一筐蔬菜。

5.bagful的意思是“满口袋”。比如:I figured a bagful would be enough for the visit. 此次拜访我想一个手提包的量就足够了。

a bagful of的意思是“一包”。比如:He bought me a bagful of sweets. 他给我买了一包糖。She came to my place with a bagful of clothes. 她带了一大包衣服来到了我家。

6.cupful作为名词的意思是“满杯,一杯”。比如:If you drink, never more than a cupful.每天喝酒不超过一杯。Not a cupful of water remained.剩下的水连一杯也不到了。

a cupful of 意思是“一杯”。比如;They buy in smaller quantities--a cupful of rice, not a 10-kilogram bag; a single cigarette, not a packet.他们购买的是小份——一杯米而不是一袋米,一支烟而不是一包烟。
