Don't fear pressure, for pressure is what turns rough stones into diamonds.


中文: 不要怕压力,因为压力能把石头变成钻石。小编:如果生活给你石头,你要自己决定,是将它建成一座桥,还是一堵墙。

I gave up trying not to smile as we danced. It was too easy to lose myself in his eyes and arms. I wanted to move like this with him forever, gliding across the gym floor to nonexistent music.


中文: 我们继续跳着,而我也不再掩饰笑意。我很轻易就沉浸在他的眼神与臂弯里了。我想要像这样和他永远跳下去,在没有音乐的体育馆地板上滑动着。小编:女孩瑞恩死亡178分钟后醒来,成为最强的重启人。五年后,她遇到男孩卡伦,最弱小、最接近人类的重启人。本不该相爱的他们产生了的感情···若卡伦无法达到合格士兵,必须由瑞恩处死。权衡生命、自由与爱,该如何选择?《重启人》

I want you to be the very best version of yourself that you can be.


中文: 我所希望的,是你能成为最好的自己!,