导读:荷兰艺术家丹· 罗斯加德(Daan Roosegaarde)的最新项目GROW,在一块两公顷的韭菜地里安装数千盏蓝色、红色和紫色的 LED 灯,既美观也有科学实用的用途。


Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde’s latest project, GROW, involved installing thousands of blue, red and purple LED lights in a 2-hectare field of leek for both aesthetic and practical purposes. People driving by the town of Lelystad, in central Netherlands, at night, this time of year are treated to a surreal sight—a 20,000 square metres field of leek glowing blue, red and purple. Thought up by Studio Roosegaarde, the unique artistic installation is designed both as a homage(致敬) to Dutch farmers and as an inspiration for them to experiment with artificial light in outdoor farming. Daan Roosegaarde also wants GROW to send a hopeful light to people in these trying times, giving new meaning to the word “agriculture” as a living cultural artwork.

Nighttime ultraviolet light has been used in glasshouse agriculture for a while now, especially in places where direct sunlight is scarce, but its use in outdoor farming has so far been very limited. Ultraviolet light is known to help plants grow better, but Studio Roosegaarde is also testing a theory according to which certain wavelengths of ultraviolet light could reduce the need for pesticides by up to 50%.

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