
in the ward

A man was sent to a prison.In the ward a prisoner asked,"Are you a thief,too?""No,i'm a businessman," the man answered,"I buy old cars at low prices,give them a coat of paint.Then i sell them at high prices." "What are you locked up here for then?" "one night a young man drove a blue car to me.I bought it for $100." "How Cheap it was!" "Cheap?Half an hour later the police reached my shop and arrested me." "Oh!Was the car stolen?" "Even worse," the man said crestfallenly . "That was a police car!"



一个人被送进了监狱,在牢房里一个犯人问:“你也是一个小偷吗?”“不是的,我是一个商人。”那个人答到,“我以低价买到旧车,给它们涂上一层漆,然后我以高价卖掉它们。” “那么你因为什么而被关押到这里的呢?” “有一天晚上,一个年轻人开一辆蓝色的车来找我,我用100美元买下了它。” “多便宜呀!” “便宜?半小时后警察来到我的店里逮捕了我。” “哦!那是辆被偷的车吗?”“更糟糕,” 那个人沮丧地说。“那是一辆警车!”


a police car


1.A man was sent to a prison.一个人被送进了监狱。注意动词短语 sb be sent to a prison,意思是某人被送进了监狱

2.in the ward 在牢房里(介词短语)

3.at low prices 以低价(介词短语)

at high prices 以高价(介词短语)

如:I buy old cars at low prices and then i sell them at high prices.我以低价买到旧车,然后再以高价卖掉它们。

4.a coat of paint 一层漆(名词短语)

give sth a coat of paint 给什么涂上一层漆(动词短语)

5.be locked up 被关押(动词短语)

be locked up here for 因为什么被关 押到这里(动词短语)

如:What are you locked up here for?你为什么被关押到这里?

6.drove a blue car to me 开着一辆蓝色的汽车到我这里(动词短语)

7.bought it for $100 以一百美元买下了那辆车

8."How cheap it was!"那辆车好便宜呀!

cheap 便宜的(形容词)

9.half an hour later 半小时后(副词短语作时间状语)

10.reached my shop到达我的店里

reach sth 到达某地(动词短语)

11.arrest sb 逮捕某人(动词短语)

12.even worse 更糟糕



1.The businessman ____.

A: was a thief B:had a car factory

C:made a lot of money by buying and selling cars

D:shouldn't be arrested

2.Which one of the following is true?

A:The businessman was a thief.

B:Only the prisoner was a thief.

C:Only the young man was a thief.

D:Both the prisoner and the young man were thieves.

3.Who stole the police car?

A:The businessman. B:The prisoner.

C:The young man.

D:We can't know from the passage.

4.Where did the businessman get the blue car?

A:At his shop.

B:On a road.

C:In the police station.

D:We can't know from the passage.

(答案 1.C 2.D 3.C 4.A)
