

1. interest 兴趣,令人感兴趣2. be interesting 某人某物是有趣的3. be interested 对某人某物感兴趣4. repeat 重复5. unusual 不同寻常的6. lucky 幸运的7. arrest 逮捕


[133], [215], [125], [133], [103], [133]1. “Look at the numbers.2. The number 133 can not interest Jack3. because he is interested in unusual things.4. 133 is repeated three times, 5. so it is not interesting to Jack.6. 133 and 103 look like 13.7. He may not be interested in the bad number.8. 1 and 2 and five is 8.9. He can speak Chinese well, 10. so he may know 8 is a lucky number.11. Ok, let’s go into Room 125!”12. Anyway, the policemen arrested Jack in Room 125!

1. “请看这些数字 2. 133这个数字不能让杰克感兴趣 3. 因为他对不寻常的东西感兴趣 4. 133重复了三遍了 5. 所以,它对杰克味同嚼蜡[没有兴趣,没意思] 6. 133和103看起来就像数字13 7. 他可能不会对这个倒霉的数字感兴趣的 8. 1加2加3等于8 9. 他能把汉语讲得头头是道[讲得好] 10. 因此,他可能知道8是一个幸运数字 11. 好吧,让我们进入125房间!” 12. 不管怎么样,警察在125房间把杰克铐上了[逮捕了]

