Unit 69 Mobile Phones



It is not very long since the first mobile phone① was produced. The invention has changed people’s life. People find it much more convenient② to get in touch with③ each other with a mobile phone. They can take it with them wherever they go and make a phone call whenever they want. However, a mobile phone can also bind④ people to work. More often than not⑤, businessmen trade with⑥ one another⑦ by phone in their office, in a car, and even on the beach miles distant from⑧ their companies. The ring of a mobile phone often interrupts⑨ a meeting, a party, or even a dinner. Because of mobile phones, people miss nothing but free time and space. This is not what I am thinking about the modern life.


①mobile phone: 移动电话

②convenient: 方便的

③get in touch with somebody: 与某人取得联系

④bind: 妨碍

⑤more often than not: 多半,往往

⑥trade with somebody: 与某人做生意(打交道)

⑦one another: 彼此,互相

⑧on the beach mile distant from…: 离……几英里远的海滩上

⑨interrupt: 打断



文章开头即按照情景提示,指出移动电话发明的时间并不长,但现在已很普及。随后作者用“The invention has changed people’s life.”这句话很自然地过渡到下文:移动电话给人们带来的好的影响。它可随身携带,随时拨打。有了它,人们彼此联系方便多了。接着,作者用however话锋一转,过渡到移动电话的负面影响: 移动电话也会妨碍人们的工作。然后举例加以说明。有理有据,很有说服力,从而用事实说明了移动电话的优缺点。在文章结尾处,作者紧扣主题,发表了自己的见解。

全文主题鲜明,结构完整,并运用了对比法和一些过渡词语和句子,如however, more often than not等,使文章层次分明,衔接自然。


