




(1)单词类:can (could), may (might), must, need, dare, shall (should), will (would)

(2)短语类:ought to, used to, had better


★ He can sing English songs. 他会唱英语歌。

→He can’t sing English songs. 他不会唱英语歌。

→-Can he sing English songs? 他会唱英语歌吗?

→-Yes, he can. 是的,他会。

★ Hardly can he speak English. 他几乎不会说英语。


  She may lose her way. 她可能迷路了。


★ We must stay here. 我们必须待在这儿。

★ He must stay here. 他必须待在这儿。


Could you help me? 你能帮帮我吗?(表现在,使语气委婉)

★ He said he must stay at home yesterday. 他说他昨天必须呆在家里。(表过去)


★ 误:They can don’t like living here.

正:They can not like living here. 他们不可能喜欢住在这儿。

★ You should have come here earlier. 你本来应该早点儿来这儿的。

★ He can’t be staying at home now. 他现在不可能呆在家里。

6、表推测的情态动词:can(could), may(might),must,should, ought to


Can he be at home? 他可能在家吗?

★ He must be at home. 他一定在家。


误:He can be at home. 他可能在家。

正:He may (might) be at home.

(3)Can’t表“不可能”,may not 表“可能不”:

★ He can’t be at home. 他不可能在家。

★ He may not be at home. 他可能不在家。


误:The man mustn’t be Japanese. 那个男的一定不是日本人。

正:The man can’t be Japanese. 那个男的不可能是日本人。

(5)对过去的事进行推测时,用“情态动词 have 过去分词”:

★ He might have seen the movie yesterday. 他昨天可能看过这部电影。

★ You must have stayed at home yesterday. 你昨天一定呆在家中。

(6)情态动词 should /ought to表推测时,意为“想必会,理应……”; 但与“have 过去分词”连用时,则又可构成虚拟语气意为“本应该做某事却没做”::

★ It’s 7:00. Jack should be here soon. 七点钟了,杰克理应该很快就到这儿。(推测)

★ You’re late again. You should have been here before 8:00. 你又迟到了,你本来应该8点钟以前到这儿的。(虚拟)


(1)对Must(必须)作否定回答是用needn’t(或don’t have to),而不用mustn’t:

-Must I come here so early? 我必须这么早就来这儿吗?

-No, you needn’t.

(2)对May(可以)作否定回答时用can’t或mustn’t,而不用may not.

-May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

-Sorry, you can’t/ mustn’t. 对不起,你不能/不准。

(3)对Could you 进行回答时要用can, 而不用could:

-Could you help me? 你能帮帮我吗?

-Yes, I can. 是的,我能。

-Sorry, I can’t.对不起,我不能。



★ 误:Dare he comes here? 他敢来这儿吗?

正:Dare he come here?

★ 误:Need I to go there right now? 我需要现在就去吗?

正:Need I go there right now?

★ 正:Do you need to go there? 你需要去那儿吗?(行为动词)


★ 误:They need not to go there. 他们不必去那儿。

正:They need not go there.

★ 正:They don’t need to go there.


(1)ought to(应该): 用ought进行变化

He ought to go now. 他应该现在就走。

→He oughtn’t to go now. 他不应该现在就走。

→Ought he to go now? 他应该现在就走吗?

(2)used to(过去常常):两种变化

I used to get up early. 我过去总是起床很早。

① 用used 进行变化:

Used you to get up early?

→I used’nt to get up early.

② 用助动词did作变化:

Did you use to get up early?

→I didn’t use to get up early.

(3)had better(最好):用had better进行变化

They had better stay here. 他们最好留在这儿。

→Had they better stay here? 他们最好留在这儿吗?

→They had better not stay here. 他们最好不要留在这儿。



May you succeed! 祝你成功!

May she rest in peace. 愿她安息。


When my parents were away, grandma would take care of me. 我父母外出的时候,总是奶奶照看我。


★ He shall have the book when I finish reading.我读完后他就可以看这本书了。(允诺)

★ You shall come at once. 你要马上来。(命令)
