



1.The England team once again beat its opponent.

2. she beat me with a stick for the slightest misdemeanor.

3. He beat the table with his hand.

4. When there is anything wrong, he'll just beat it

大家看到“beat”以后觉得是“打败”的意思,beat确有defeat (someone) in a game or other competitive situation的意思,例1可以译为:英格兰队又一次战胜了对手。例2句中beat是什么意思?如把beat还当成“打败,战胜”的意思,那句子译文就不通顺了,我们查了字典以后,发现beat的另外一个意思,strike (a person or an animal) repeatedly and violently so as to hurt or injure them, typically with an implement such as a club or whip,也就是“(用棍棒、鞭子等)猛抽,狠揍”的意思,所以例2可以译为:行为稍有不端,她就棍棒相加。接着看例3,句中beat既不是例1所说的意思,也不是例2的意思,此句中beat应是strike (an object) repeatedly so as to make a noise的意思,也就是“反复敲打(使发出声音)”例3可以译为:他用手反复敲打桌子。前三个例子中beat的意思还算可以理解,那么咱们看一下第三个例子,这里的beat用法就比较少见了,你有可能在看美剧,或者电影的时候看到过这个意思,(beat it)(informal)leave《新牛津英汉双解大辞典》比如,now beat it, will you!.(快走开,好不好!。)所以例4可以译为:出了问题他就溜之大吉/匆匆躲开。
