在官方翻译中,“高铁”全称为China High-speed Railway,可缩写为CHSR。
而“动车”则被翻译为:China Railway High-speed,简称CRH。
speed/spiːd/是“速度”,high-speed就是“高速的,快速的”。无论是“高铁”还是“动车”,在外国人看来都是高速列车,都是high-speed train。
另外,动车组列车还经常被称为:bullet train。
bullet /ˈbʊlɪt/ 是“子弹”;bullet train即“子弹头列车”,这是一个很形象的叫法,我们可以看到,动车车头就像子弹头一样。
而动车或者高铁之所以被称为bullet train,可能是参考了日本新干线的叫法。日本的新干线列车因为车头也像子弹头,也叫被做bullet train。
☞ China High-speed Railway(官方翻译)
☞ high-speed train(高速列车)
☞ bullet train (子弹列车,高铁)
- 二等座票:second class ticket
- 一等座票:first class ticket
- 商务座票:business class ticket
- 无座票票:no seat ticket
- 商务座:business seat
- 靠窗的座位:window seat
- 靠过道的座位:aisle seat
- 车厢:car / coach
- 2号车厢:car No. 2 / coach No. 2
- 列车员:car attendant / train attendant
- 骑自行车:ride a bike
- 骑电瓶车:ride an e-bike
- 骑摩托车:ride a motorbike
- 自己开(汽)车:drive,比如 I’m driving to work.我开车去上班。
- 坐(汽)车去:go by car,比如 I’m going to London by car.我坐车去伦敦。
- 坐公交车:get the bus/take the bus
- 坐火车:get the train/take the train
- 坐高铁:get the high-speed train
- 坐飞机:fly to /go to...by plane,比如“我坐飞机去北京”可以说I’m flying to Beijing tomorrow.或I’m going to Beijing by plane