


“钱德勒摆动”是指地球自转轴相对于地球表面的小幅度运动。“钱德勒摆动的正常振幅在地球表面大约是3到4米”, 佐托夫博士表示,“但在2017年到2020年之间它消失了。”



Earth's Days Are Mysteriously Getting Longer, Scientists Say


Atomic clocks, combined with precise astronomical measurements, have revealed that the length of a day is suddenly getting longer, and scientists don't know why. This has critical impacts not just on our timekeeping, but also things like GPS and other technologies that govern our modern life. Over the past few decades, Earth's rotation around its axis – which determines how long a day is – has been speeding up. This trend has been making our days shorter; in fact, in June 2022 we set a record for the shortest day over the past half a century or so.


But despite this record, since 2020 that steady speedup has curiously switched to a slowdown – days are getting longer again, and the reason is so far a mystery. While the clocks in our phones indicate there are exactly 24 hours in a day, the actual time it takes for Earth to complete a single rotation varies ever so slightly. These changes occur over periods of millions of years to almost instantly – even earthquakes and storm events can play a role.


It turns out a day is very rarely exactly the magic number of 86,400 seconds. Over millions of years, Earth's rotation has been slowing down due to friction effects associated with the tides driven by the Moon. That process adds about 2.3 milliseconds to the length of each day every century. A few billion years ago an Earth day was only about 19 hours.




文本选自:Science Alert(科学警告)

作者:Matt King & Christopher Watson

原文发布时间:8 Aug. 2022


Behind every successful man there’s a lot of unsuccessful years.

