今天我们来读一则英国著名的童话故事《杰克与豌豆》,本书是由Kylie Parry转述的,据说最早的版本出现于1734年,一直口头流传至今,还根据转述人的不同出现过很多版本。

受篇幅影响,<Jack and the Beanstalk>将分为两篇分享,今天是上篇。


This is the front cover, the title is "Jack and the Beanstalk".

Retold by Kylie Parry

Illustrated by Philip Webb


The title is "Jack and the Beanstalk".

Kylie Parry retold/rewrote the story.

Philip Webb drew the pictures, he is the illustrator.


Once upon a time, a boy named Jack lived in a cottage with his mother.

They were very poor.

One day, Jack's mother said, "We have no money for food. Take our cow to the market and sell her."

So Jack set off with the cow.

On the way to the market, Jack met a man.

"That's a nice cow," said the man.

"If you give me that cow, I will give you this magic bean.

If you plant this magic bean, you will live happily ever after."


Jack wanted to live happily ever after, so he gave the cow to the man and took the bean.

He went home happy.

But Jack's mother was not happy.

"What have you done?" she cried.

"Now we have no cow and no money!"

She threw the bean out the window. Jack and his mother went to bed hungry.


Overnight the bean grew. It grew into a beanstalk!

The beanstalk grew and grew! It grew higher than the cottage.

It curled up into the clouds.

In the morning, when Jack woke up, the cottage was filled with green light.

He saw the enormous beanstalk.

"I am going to climb that beanstalk," he said.

Jack got dressed.

He swung his bag over his shoulder and started to climb.

Up, up, up he went, up into the clouds.
