


1.What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A. To discuss recent innovations in laboratory equipment

B. To give an example of a practical use for a particular scientific technique

C. To familiarize students with the chemical composition of paint pigments

D. To show how researchers were able to restore a particular work of art

2.What does the professor imply when he mentions an art historian?

A. Art historians have been learning how to use spectroscopes.

B. Scientists need to learn how art historians analyze paintings.

C. Confirming the authenticity of artworks requires collaboration.

D. Spectroscopic analysis can help identify a painter’s techniques.

3.Why does the professor discuss the presence of zinc in paint pigments?

A. To explain why some paints may deteriorate over the course of time

B. To stress the need for caution when attempting to restore old artworks

C. To show how pigments differ from varnishes and binding agents

D. To show how spectroscopy can help establish the age of a painting

4.According to the professor, what is the primary advantage of spectroscopy over other laboratory methods for analyzing artworks?

A. It does not damage the artworks.

B. It provides a more accurate analysis than other methods do.

C. It uses equipment that can be transferred to other locations.

D. It can be used by individuals with little scientific training.

5.What is one way the professor mentions that chemists can help with art restoration?

A. By re-creating the pigments and binding agents used by artists of earlier eras

B. By removing pigments and binding agents that dissolve paintings over time

C. By creating protective coatings of paint that do not damage original paintings

D. By developing ways to safely remove paint added by previous restorers

6.Why does the professor say this: Now, a word or two about restoration

A. He is searching for a synonym for the term.

B. He is not sure how much information the students need.

C. He is going to briefly address a related topic.

D. He is giving the students a writing assignment.

答案: 1B 2C 3D 4A 5D 6C


1.What is the main purpose of the lecture?文章目的

B. To give an example of a practical use for a particular scientific technique

2.What does the professor imply when he mentions an art historian?为什么提到艺术历史学家

C. Confirming the authenticity of artworks requires collaboration.

3.Why does the professor discuss the presence of zinc in paint pigments?为什么专家讨论锌出现在颜料中

D. To show how spectroscopy can help establish the age of a painting

4.According to the professor, what is the primary advantage of spectroscopy over other laboratory methods for analyzing artworks?光谱学的最重要的优点是(第四题答案出处)

A. It does not damage the artworks.

5.What is one way the professor mentions that chemists can help with art restoration?化学家能够对艺术品保护起什么作用

D. By developing ways to safely remove paint added by previous restorers

6.Why does the professor say this:Now, a word or two about restoration.为什么专家说:现在简要聊聊保存

C. He is going to briefly address a related topic.


Listen to part of a lecture in a chemistry class. 先确定lecture的背景-化学课,对下文有一定预测提示作用,是笔记中必须要记录的部分,可以事先准备好缩写,如:astr-astronomy chem-chemistry bio-biology,一般写出前两个音节发音即可




OK, I know you all have a lot of questions about this lab assignment that’s coming up, so I’m gonna take a little time this morning to discuss it.这类属于引入句没有实际内容,笔记可以非常简单地记录Q-ab assignment: (-about :discuss)

So you know the assignment has to do with spectroscopy, right? And your readings should help you get a good idea of what that’s all about. But let’s talk about spectroscopy a little now, just to cover the basics.关键词通常会多次重复出现,一般都是以原形出现,有时以同义词、代词出现;对于关键词是生词的情况,一定要仔细分析前后文内容,在一次次重复出现中猜测关键词的意思。

What is spectroscopy? Well, the simplest definition I can give you is that spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and light. Now visible light consists of different colors, or wavelengths, which together make up what’s called a spectrum—a band of colors, like you see in a rainbow. And all substances—all forms of matter—can be distinguished according to what wavelengths of light they absorb and which ones they reflect. It’s like—well, every element has what we’d call its own spectral signature; if we can read that signature, we can identify the element. And that’s exactly what spectroscopy does.此外,对于一些专业词汇,文中会用简单的语句加以解释,理清这个专业词汇的定义有助于对后文的理解,但请注意在没有时间的情况下不强求用笔记下词汇意思,直接考查定义的概率非常小


spectroscopy-SP: matter↔light {color wavelengths

spectrum: colors

Distinguish by wavelength

Spectral signature identify


Now laser spectroscopy, which is the focus of your assignment, works by measuring, very precisely, what parts of the spectrum are absorbed by different substances. And it has applications in a lot of different disciplines. And your assignment will be to choose a discipline that interests you and devise an experiment. For example, I’m gonna talk about art—I’m interested in art. And to me, it’s interesting how spectroscopy is used to analyze art.

Let’s say a museum curator comes to you with a problem. She’s come across this painting that appears to be an original—say a Rembrandt(*重要生词)—and she wants to acquire it for her museum. But she’s got a problem: She’s not absolutely certain it’s an original. So what do you do? How do you determine whether the painting’s authentic?*重要生词指的是那些如果认识这个词的话将非常有助于理解下列内容,此处为伦勃朗(著名画家名);对于这方面基本知识储备的同学听后文会很轻松,所以在日常生活中可以有意识地积累考试相关的一些基础知识;如果不认识这个词或者没反应过来的话,请注意该次多次重复出现,可以从后文中猜测其为画家名


museum curator ❤ Rembrandt-Re ? orginal How authentic

OK, think about the scientific process. You’ve got a question: Is the painting a Rembrandt? So first, you’d need to make a list of characteristics the painting would have to have to be a Rembrandt. Then you have to discover whether the painting in question has those characteristics.


Characteristics have or not

So first of all, you’ll need to know the techniques Rembrandt used when he applied paint to canvas— his brushstrokes, how thickly he applied his paint—so you’d need to work with an art historian who has expert knowledge of Rembrandt’s style. You’d have to know when he created his paintings, um, what pigments he used—in other words, what ingredients he used to make different colors of paint. ’Cause the ingredients used in paints and binding agents—plus varnishes, finishes, what have you—have changed over time. Since you’re trying to verify if it’s a Rembrandt, the ingredients in the pigment would need to have been used during Rembrandt’s lifetime, in the seventeenth century. And that’s where chemistry comes in. You’ve got to find out what’s in those pigments—learn their composition. And that requires lab work—detective work, really—in a word, spectroscopy.


{ technique & art historian pigment=ingredients of color binding agent ~

Lifetime 1700s

So how do we use spectroscopy? Well, we put an infrared microscope—a spectroscope—on tiny, tiny bits of paint, and using ultraviolet light, we can see the spectral signature of each component part of the pigment. Then we compare these signatures with those of particular elements, like zinc or lead, to determine what the pigment was made of.


SP tiny bits ulatraviolet light → spectral signature → compare zinc or lead → determine what ○→

So you can see why this type of analysis requires a knowledge of the history of pigments, right? How and when they were made. Say we determine a pigment was made with zinc, for example. We know the spectral signature of zinc, and it matches that of the paint sample. We also know that zinc wasn’t discovered until the eighteenth century. And since Rembrandt lived during the seventeenth century, we know he couldn’t’ve painted it.


History how when

e.g. Zinc match × 1800 ×paint

Now spectroscopy has a very distinct advantage over previous methods of analyzing artworks because it’s not invasive—you don’t have to remove big chips of paint to do your analysis, which is what other methods require. All you do is train the microscope on tiny flecks of paint and analyze them.(第四题答案出处)


√· × invasive

Now, a word or two about restoration. Sometimes, original artworks appear questionable or inauthentic because they’ve had so many restorers add touch-up layers to cover up damage—damage from the paint having deteriorated over time. Well, spectroscopy can reveal the composition of those touch-up layers too, so we can find out when they were applied. Then, if we want to undo some bad restoration attempts, we can determine what kind of process we can use to remove them—to dissolve the paint and uncover the original.


/ restore add layer → cover damage

Undo □√ process


英语辨音单词练习(早An英语 每个词都懂却依然搞不定听力)(1)




英语辨音单词练习(早An英语 每个词都懂却依然搞不定听力)(2)





