


entertainment 娱乐,消遣;

photographer 摄影师;

cameraman 摄影师;

referee 裁判,仲裁;

coach 教练;


cyclist 骑自行车的人;

competitor 竞争者;

champion 冠军;

winner 优胜者,获胜者;

idol 偶像;

fans 粉丝;

director 导演;

role 角色;

band 乐队;

choir 合唱团;

association 协会,社团;

league 联盟,社团;

audience 观众;

programme 节目;

drama 戏剧;

opera 歌剧;

comedy 喜剧;

tragedy 悲剧;

plot 情节;

lines 台词;

symphony 交响乐;

folk music 民间音乐;

stage 舞台;

curtain 幕布;

documentary 纪录片;

science fiction film 科幻片;

gymnastics 体操;

bowling 保龄球;

wrestling 摔跤;

shooting 射击;

close game 势均力敌的比赛;

victory 胜利;

applause 掌声,喝彩;

studio 工作室;

admission ticket 入场券,门票;


direct 导演(电影);

produce 制作,生产;

sponsor 赞助;

broadcast 广播;

release 发行,发布;

have a gift/talent for 有……天赋;

sing an English song唱英文歌;

dance to the music伴着音乐跳舞;

put on a performance 演出;

make a hit 流行;

compete for 为……而竞争;

compete against 与……竞争;

defeat vt.击败,战胜;

break the record 打破纪录;

set a new world record 创造新的世界纪录;

win a gold/silver/copper medal 赢得金/银/铜牌;

clap .鼓掌;

applaud 喝彩,鼓掌;

show great passion to 对……表现出极大的热情;

arouse a heated discussion 引起激烈的讨论;

cultivate one’s patience 培养某人的耐心;


horrible 恐怖的;

boring 无聊的,令人讨厌的;


humorous 幽默的 ;

professional 职业的,专业的;


in good form 状态好;

indoor sports 室内运动;

outdoor sports室外运动;

swiftly 快地.迅速地;


你喜爱运动吗?请你为某报社的专栏写一篇题为“My Favourite Sports”的短文,介绍自己喜欢的运动。内容包括:




My Favourite Sports

There's no doubt that many people like playing sports. So do I.Are there any sports that I am crazy about? Yes,of course.The sports are as follows:

As a middle school student,when free,I like playing basketball with my friends at school. I think it's a good way to make new friends and spend time with them. Besides, playing basketball helps me grow taller. I also like running which is really important for my PE exams. Though I feel tired each time after running 1,000 metres, I always hold the view that it's of great benefit to both my health and my study. On weekends, I spend one morning playing basketball with my friends and I run in the evening with my father. Sometimes I play tennis with my mother as well.

All in all,in order to keep good academic performance and health, I will insist on the activities above.


