


1) passport我会说,“过期”不会,可是又没有老师“请教”,怎么办?

2) 不会英语“护照过期”,会把学过的英语用起来,会Yahoo吗?这才是关键。

3) 会说my passport is no longer good for travel need a new passport吗?

4) Yahoo my passport is no longer good for travel need a new passport


请打开你的护照英语怎么说 我的护照过期了(1)

原版英语:A Complete Guide to the Six-Month Passport-Validity Rule

Most travelers know they need a passport to travel internationally, but few are aware that, in many instances, your passport must be valid longer than your stay. In fact, many countries require it to be valid for six months beyond your intended return date. If it expires before that, you may be denied boarding or entry upon arrival at your destination and have to go straight home.

这段“原版英语”暴露了我们需要的信息:be valid for,and expire

请打开你的护照英语怎么说 我的护照过期了(2)


1. Okay.Got it.I'll say:My passport is no longer valid (for traveling)

2. Well,when I say:My passport is no longer valid (for traveling),I can also say:y:My passport has expired (for traveling)

3. Be valid meand Not expire,and expire mrans Be no longer valid.

请打开你的护照英语怎么说 我的护照过期了(3)


Is Your Passport Valid For Travel?

But if your passport is just starting to look shabby, it’s a good idea to renew it so you’ll have a fresh, crisp book that will be accepted everywhere. Our Top Tips to Keep Your Valid Passport Ready for Travel. Keep an eye on your passport’s expiration date, and renew it at least six months before it expires.

一样还是说be valid ,and expire

请打开你的护照英语怎么说 我的护照过期了(4)


1.Is Your Passport Valid For Travel?

2. Has your passport expired for travel?
