


十五的月亮 中文英文对照文稿:

十五的月亮, 照在家乡, 照在边关。

The full moon shine at the border and in hometown.

宁静的夜晚, 你也思念, 我也思念。

I miss you while you miss me in the peaceful silent night.

我守在婴儿的摇篮边, 你巡逻在祖国的边防线;

I stay with our baby by the cradle; you patrol the border line of the motherland.

我在家乡耕耘着农田, 你在边疆站岗值班。

I plow the farmland in the hometown, and you stand guard in the frontier.

啊!丰收果里有你的甘甜, 也有我的甘甜;

The sweetness and happiness of the harvest we share;

军功章啊, 有你的一半, 也有我的一半。

The honor of the military medal is half of yours and half of mine.

十五的月亮, 照在家乡, 照在边关。

The full moon shine at the border and in hometown.

宁静的夜晚, 你也思念, 我也思念。

I miss you while you miss me in the peaceful silent night.


I honor parents and work hard; you dedicate your life without hesitation.

我肩负着全家的重任, 你在保卫国家安全。

I take on the responsibility of the family, and you defend national security.

啊!祖国昌盛有你的贡献, 也有我的贡献;

Both you and I have contribution to the prosperity of the motherland.

万家团圆是你的心愿, 也是我的心愿。

The reunion of all families is your wish, and also mine.




