

◆ We use the Present Continuous and Going To to talk about future activities and events that are intended or have already been arranged.

◆ 谈论将来的某种打算或已经安排好的事件或活动,可用现在进行时表将来或Going To。

★ She is making a speech at the conference next week.

★ 她下周要在会议上做演讲。

★ We are going to do some climbing in the Pyrenees.

★ 我们打算去比利牛斯山爬山。

◆ When we talk about an intention to do something in the future, although no definite arrangement has been made, we prefer Going To rather than the Present Continuous. To emphasize that we are talking about a definite arrangement, we prefer the Present Continuous.

◆ 表示将来打算做某事,如没有具体安排,我们更倾向于使用 Going To,如强调的是已经做出了明确的安排,更倾向于使用现在进行时。

★ Before I go to China next year, I’m going to learn some Cantonese.

★ 在明年去中国之前,我打算学一点广东话。

★ I’m not feeling very well, so I think I’m going to see the doctor some time this week.

★ 我感觉不太舒服,所以我想这周找个时间去看医生。

★ The orchestra is performing Mahler’s 5th Symphony at next week’s concert.

★ 此管弦乐队将在下周的音乐会上演奏马勒的《第五交响曲》。

★ The bank has announced that it is increasing its interest rates by 1% from tomorrow.

★ 银行已宣布自明天起将利率提高1%。

We don’t use the Present Continuous for the future:


● when we make predictions about activities or events over which we have no control.

● 对无法控制的活动或事件进行预测时

★ Unless aid arrives within the next few days, thousands are going to starve.

★ 除非在未来几天内援助到达,否则成千上万的人将会挨饿。

★ Whether we like it or not, within a few years biotechnology is going to transform every aspect of human life.

★ 无论我们喜欢与否,几年内生物技术将改变人类生活的各个方面。

● when we talk about permanent future situations.

● 讨论未来将持续存在的某种情况

★ People are going to live longer in the future.

★ 未来,人的寿命会更长。

★ It’s not a deep cut, but it is going to leave a scar.

★ 伤口不深,但会留疤。

● with the verb BE.

● BE动词

★ Andy is going to be a shepherd in the play next week.

★ 安迪在下周的戏剧中将扮演牧羊人。

★ I’m going to be in Tokyo in May.

★ 我将在五月去东京。

We tend to avoid Going To Go and use the Present Continuous form of GO instead.

我们通常避免使用Going To Go的结构,相反,用GO的现在进行时代替。

★ I’m going to town on Saturday.

★ 我周六要去镇上。

★ Alice is going to university next year.

★ 爱丽丝明年上大学。

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