答案在The Economist June 4th 2022 United States “California primaries --- Hey, big spender” 这篇文章中间段可以找到。

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The Economist June 4th 2022 United States


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蒙上阴影什么意思 34蒙上阴影(3)

cast a pall over sth 给……蒙上阴影

cast a shadow over/on sth 给…蒙上阴影


Her father's illness had cast a shadow over the birth of her baby.



Frustrations over homelessness, plus spiralling housing costs and rising violent crime during the pandemic, have cast a pall over a usually sunny city. Last year, for the first time since 2014, when LMU(Loyola Marymount University) began polling, a majority of Angelenos thought the region was heading in the wrong direction.“I think the city just feels harder,” says Mr Garcetti. Nearly 400 people were murdered in the city in 2021, the highest toll since 2006.

对无家可归者的失望,加上疫情期间住房成本不断上涨,暴力犯罪不断上升,给这个通常阳光明媚的城市蒙上了一层阴影。去年,自2014年LMU开始民意调查以来,大多数洛杉矶人首次认为该地区正朝着错误的方向前进。加希提表示:“我认为,这座城市只是感觉更难了。” 2021年,该市有近400人被谋杀,这是自2006年以来的最高数字。


LMU是 Loyola Marymount University的简称,即洛约拉马利蒙特大学

Garcetti是指Eric Garcetti,埃里克·加希提(1971年2月4日-),美国政治人物,现任洛杉矶市市长,于2013年7月1日就任。他是洛杉矶历史上第一位犹太裔市长,也是最年轻的一位市长。

蒙上阴影什么意思 34蒙上阴影(4)

Eric Garcetti

2022. 4.18 "蒙上阴影" 英语怎么说?

