
Fun Facts about the Coming Rooster Year






2017 is the year of the Rooster, starting from January 28th, and ending on February 15th, 2018. Being different from the western calendar, the Chinese calendar has names that are denoted by animals. The Rooster is tenth in the Chinese zodiac. Each year is related to an animal sign according to a 12-year cycle. Years of the Rooster include 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, and the next Rooster year will be 2029.

2017 是中国传统的鸡年,从1月28号开始到2018年2月15号。中国农历年每一年都有一个动物的名字来命名。鸡是第十个生肖,鸡年的年份包括:1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,1993,2005,2017,当然下一个鸡年要到2029了。

The rooster is usually considered a clever animal that is frequently compared to a smart person.Also, it's said that people who are born in Rooster years spend a lot of time making themselves look good.They are dramatic, brilliant social organizers who loves to plan parties and gatherings, too.


本期英文播报音频来自 领先教育 刘树旸老师
