
当地时间12月8日,位于纽约的福克斯新闻正在直播,人们突然发现新闻总部大楼外一棵巨型圣诞树燃起了大火。现场视频显示,圣诞树燃起熊熊火光,福克斯新闻主播香农·布里姆 (Shannon Bream)立即直播了大楼外的这场事故。据报道,该新闻大楼里除了福克斯新闻,还有华尔街日报和纽约邮报等。警方表示,纵火嫌疑人是49岁男子克雷格·塔玛纳哈 (Craig Tamanaha),据称他无家可归,在街上游荡,爬上了圣诞树,用一个打火机就把圣诞树点燃了。塔玛纳哈被指控恶作剧、纵火等罪名,但都是轻罪。律师称,嫌疑人很可能只被关几个小时就可以获释,然后又回到街上游荡。这棵圣诞树高约15米,上面装饰了约1万个玻璃饰品和超10万个灯饰,组装就耗去了21个小时。圣诞树的残骸已经被拆除,福克斯新闻CEO苏珊娜·斯科特表示,将重新安装一棵新的圣诞树,并举行点灯仪式。



America’s Christmas wars


Having spent almost two decades ballyhooing a non-existent “War on Christmas”, Fox News received the best present imaginable in the first week of Advent. A homeless man called Craig Tamanaha, while stumbling around Manhattan late one night, came across the 50-foot-high “All American Christmas Tree” in Fox Square. Mr Tamanaha climbed it, allegedly flicked his lighter, and the tree-like installation went up with a whoosh.


It seems the suspected arsonist was not in his perfect mind. Mr Tamanaha had earlier exposed himself to journalists outside the courthouse where Ghislaine Maxwell is on trial. Yet for Fox, his vandalism represented the war its anchors had spent so long trying to talk into existence. “Torching Christmas trees is an attack on Christianity!” wailed Tucker Carlson. For two days, the catastrophe and Fox’s Churchillian resolve to rebuild the tree sculpture dominated its coverage. “We will not let this deliberate and brazen act of cowardice deter us,” thundered Fox’s CEO, Suzanne Scott.


Fox’s imagined War on Christmas is nonsense and conservative pay-dirt. Though Christian practice is collapsing (the share of Americans who attend church regularly has fallen by almost half since Bill O’Reilly first detected the war in 2005), Christmas is invulnerable. Nine in ten Americans celebrate it, including a growing multitude of non-Christians. The problem, for Fox’s anxious white audience, is precisely that diversity, however. The war is a figment designed to exacerbate its fears of a changing country.




文本选自:The Economist(经济学人)


原文发布时间:23 Dec. 2021


Bad news has wings.

