


1. On November 11, 1919.

2. On June 1, 1954

3. To give federal employees another three-day weekend.

4. A day off on the Friday or Monday that is closest to the date.

5. At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.






Shopping for antiques in Shanghai is simple, but there are a few basic facts and snippets of advice that will help considerably.

Firstly, most of the affordable pieces are reproductions of Ming and early Qing. This does not mean they have no value. Most of the reproductions are themselves old and have become highly collectable in their own right. The Chinese government is currently attempting to keep as much of China's ancient heritage in the country. There has been a push to re-collect genuine pieces of dynastic collectibles from around the world and return them to their original home. Consequently, it is not easy to export older items and anything over 150 years old is virtually impossible to take out, but don't let this put you off. There are countless beautiful items circa 1900 that can be yours at highly competitive prices.

Secondly, bargaining is an art form! Some people do it extremely well and are richly rewarded. The basic rules are as follows: do not expect to pay more than 50-60 per cent of the original marked price. Practise bargaining with an object you do not want to buy. Make the initial offer about 25 per cent of the marked price. Don't go for less as you might be dismissed. Keep your temper and never accuse any store holder or shopkeeper of cheating. If you are suspicious, just leave and go elsewhere. If the bargaining seems a bit too easy and the seller reduces the price quickly, it is most likely because the asking amount was deliberately inflated upon your arrival. Bear this in mind and be careful what you offer. If you are very brave, it is sometimes a good idea to walk away when the price is near your limit. It's a bit of a gamble, but you might end up with a substantial deduction.

Thirdly and finally, language barriers are always a problem when trying to do business. If you speak any Chinese at all, you might be able to convince dealers that you are not a tourist and are likely to get a better price for your goods. Failing this, it might be a good idea to enlist the help of an interpreter or a local. Many are willing to help visitors overcome this difficulty for a small fee. Most shopkeepers speak English, but the personnel at the Relics Bureau do not and it is unlikely that market traders will converse in any language other than Mandarin.


1. snippet:一小段;一小片

2. considerably:非常地;相当地

3. affordable:买得起的

4. reproduction:复制品

5. collectable:可收藏的

6. currently:当前

7. ancient:古老的

8. heritage:遗产

9. genuine:真正的

10. dynastic:王朝的

11. collectible:适宜收藏的东西

12. consequently:因此

13. circa:大约于

14. initial:首先的;最初的

15. suspicious:怀疑的

16. deliberately:故意

17. inflate:涨价

18. gamble:赌博

19. substantial:大量的

20. deduction:减少

21. barrier:障碍

22. interpreter:口译

23. personnel:工作人员

24. the Relics Bureau:文物局




26. Why do most of the reproductions become collectibles?

27. Why is it difficult to export older items in China now?

28. What are the basic rules while bargaining?

29. What should we do if we are doubtful about a marked price?

30. What can we do if we cannot speak Chinese?




