

How much Sleep does one require?一个人需要多少睡眠?

评论翻译Aishwarya V Yajaman, MBBS from Karwar Institute of Medical Sciences (2022)Aishwarya V Yajaman,加尔瓦尔医学科学研究所医学学士(2022年)An average adult needs 6–7 hours of sleep every night.Nobody really knows the need for sleep. Some of the theories explain the need for sleep as follows.Sleep is essential because your brain and eyes need rest.Sleep improves memory.Sleeping less than 5 hours every night may decrease the efficiency of your work. Be it studies or any other work.You dream when you sleep. Dreaming is an index of IQ. So when you sleep peacefully, you’re improving your IQ.For children under age 5, minimum of 10 hours sleep is advised because, it’s when you sleep the growth hormone is released. The better your child sleep the better it grows.一个成年人平均每晚需要6-7小时的睡眠。没有人真正知道为何需要睡眠。如下理论解释了睡眠的必要:睡眠是必不可少的,因为你的大脑和眼睛需要休息。睡眠可以提高记忆力。每晚睡眠不足5小时可能会降低工作效率—无论是学习还是其他工作。你睡觉的时候做梦。做梦是智商的一个指标。所以,当你平静地睡觉时,你的智商也在提高。对于5岁以下的儿童,建议至少睡眠时长达到10小时,因为只有在你睡觉的时候生长激素才会释放。你的孩子睡得越好,它就长得越好。Digestion of the food you have taken for your dinner occurs without any disturbance when you sleep nicely.When you are sleeping your respiratory and heart rate comes down. So, their workload is reduced and efficiency is increased.Most important of all, sleep makes you forget all your wordly problems atleast for some hours.Yes, sleep has many advantages. But there are some disadvantages too.Sleeping more than 9 hours at a stretch can make you lazy. Whole day you will find it hard to do any work.The more you sleep the more you want to sleep.Know the pros and cons. Decide for yourself how much sleep you need for your good health:)当你睡得好的时候,晚餐所吃的食物在消化过程中不会受到任何干扰。当你睡觉时,你的呼吸和心率会下降。因此,他们的工作量减少了,效率提高了。最重要的是,睡眠会让你至少在几个小时内忘记所有的涉及文字方面的问题。是的,睡眠有很多好处。但也有一些缺点。连续睡眠超过9小时会让你变得懒惰。你会发现在一整天里做任何工作都很困难。你睡得越多,你就越想睡觉。知道利弊,然后自己决定需要多少睡眠时间才能保持健康。Carmina MercadoBased on the National sleep foundation guidelines, the average sleep requirement for adults is 7 to 9 hours in 24 hours and for children it is 12 to 13 or more in 24 hours. Lack of sleep from 6 or 5 hours downwards hurts us especially when communicating with people. It can cause irritability, drowsiness, frequent anger, headaches, dizziness, low blood pressure and loss of appetite.根据国家睡眠基金会的指导方针,成年人的平均睡眠需求是24小时内有7到9个小时时长,而儿童的平均睡眠需求是24小时内有12到13个小时或更多。少于6到5个小时的睡眠会对我们造成伤害,尤其是在与人交流的时候。它会导致应激性、嗜睡、易怒、头痛、头晕、低血压和食欲不振。Satjot Sandhu, lives in Punjab, IndiaYou should at least have 6- 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep.The best time to sleep is usually between 10 pm to 7:00 amUnless you are not working, it is advised not stay awake later than 10:00 pm. And don't stay in bed later than 7:00 am.Sometimes I even like to take a power nap of 20mins. It refreshes my brain.Yes I do believe over sleeping does not have any side effects. But if you sleep more than your biological clock wants you do, you might end up feeling tired throughout the day.Therefore it is important to control your sleeping patterns to ensure a healthy and active living.Thankyou.你应该至少保证有6-7小时不间断的睡眠。最佳睡眠时间通常在晚上10点到早上7点之间除非你不得不工作,否则建议你不要在晚上10点之后还保持清醒,早上7点之后也不要再躺在床上。有时我甚至喜欢小睡20分钟,它让我头脑清醒。是的,我相信过度睡眠没有任何副作用。但是如果你的睡眠时间超过了生物钟的要求,你可能一整天都会感到疲惫。因此,控制你的睡眠模式以确保健康和积极的生活是很重要的。谢谢你。Tanya Singh, Chemistry Honours Health & Weight Loss and Fitness, Hindu College, University of DelhiWell everyone advises a minimum sleep of 8 hrs or what is ideally called as ‘Beauty sleep’ which actually holds true but only partially.How much sleep one needs it differs from individual to individual .Some people sleep for just 6 hrs and feel fresh and rejuvenated after waking up with recharged battery levels while some may require to sleep more .Sleeping pattern depends upon your lifestyle, alxness of mind,health,fitness quotient & day to day activities. People who do more physical activities or work tirelessly require more sleeping hours.I have personally experienced this that I need an ideal sleep of 7 hrs (not less than that but more than that sometimes is alright;)).I wake up approximately around 7hrs even when I don't set alarm .So analyse your sleeping habits.Some people say that they sleep for 10 hrs or more which is utterly rubbish because our brain itself gets active once we woke up and we just keep lying in beds(even being aware about all the activities happening around) which makes one lethargic.SO preferred sleeping patterns areInfants- (14–16 hrs)Toddlers- (10–12hrs)Adolescents- (8–10hrs)Adults- (6–8hrs)Old aged- (9–10hrs)If u relate to this kindly share.每个人都建议至少睡8小时,或者理想的“美容睡眠”,这实际上是正确的,但只是部分正确。每个人需要多少睡眠时长是不同的。有些人只睡6个小时,醒来时会感到新鲜和恢复活力,而有些人可能需要睡更多的睡眠时长。睡眠模式取决于你的生活方式、思维敏捷性、健康、体能商和日常活动。从事更多体育活动或不知疲倦地工作的人则需要更多的睡眠时间。我个人经历过,我需要一个理想的7小时睡眠(不少于7小时,但有时超过7小时是可以的)。即使我没有设置闹钟,在经历大约7小时左右的睡眠后我也会醒来。所以分析一下你的睡眠习惯。有些人说,他们睡10个小时或更长的时间,这完全是垃圾言论,因为一旦我们醒来,我们的大脑本身就会变得活跃,如果我们只是一直躺在床上(甚至意识到周围发生的所有活动),这会让人昏昏欲睡。所以人们更喜欢的睡眠模式是婴儿:14-16小时幼儿:10-12小时青少年:8-10小时成人:6-8小时老年人:9-10小时如果你与此相关,请分享。
