character [ˈkarəktə] n. 角色;性格

♡ Even though the United States consists of many different immigrant groups, many sociologists believe there is a distinct national character. 虽然美国由多个不同的移民团体组成,但是很多社会学家还是想象有一个清晰的美国性格。(托福原句)


qualities/ features 特点

1 all the qualities and features that make a person, groups of people, and places different from others

● to have a strong/ weak character 拥有一个强硬的性格;软弱的性格

character traits/ defects 性格特点;性格缺陷

能言国际英语出品 18653137803



  1. noun
  2. research
  3. movement
  4. flexibility
  5. advert
  6. existence
  7. ambiguous

